View Full Version : Burmese Brown Birdeater???

guapote's gape
07-02-04, 08:45 AM
Could one one you help me out and provide a picture or Latin name for this common species? I'll assume by the pricing that it isn't a blondi. perhaps a king baboon?
Thanks in advance for any assistance

07-02-04, 09:24 AM
Well... it cannot be neither a T. blondi nor a C. crawshayi (and pricing has nothing to do with it!) as your common name suggests the animal originate from Asia!

Comming to a latin name for an Asian species just like that, totally impossible...

Good luck


guapote's gape
07-02-04, 10:00 AM
Thanks Martin, this is exactly the reason I despise common names for anything. Without the proper vernacular names attached it's everyone's guess as to what it is.
I just thought perhaps this particular spider was a more common well known species, in which common names are usually fairly recognised i.e: rosy, Goliath, mex. red knee, Usumbara red etc... as it is always appearing on some of my purchasing lists.
Thanks again

Hamster of Borg
07-02-04, 10:43 AM
Chilobrachys andersoni

If you've ever had a cobalt blue, they are cared for and behave the same - only they get twice as big. :)
