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07-01-04, 03:27 AM
Hi! i would like to know where i can locate breeders of torts and turts in alberta, canada , please e-mail me or post all stuff, thanks!!!!! urls and phone #'s would be helpful too. :groove:

Tim and Julie B
07-01-04, 03:59 AM
Hi welcome to ssnakess! I am turtle crazy also. Do you want aquatic or terrestrial turtles? There is a red foot tortoise breeder that is right near Calgary. You just have to keep an eye out when things pop up. As for a good beginner species.
Aquatics: Muds, Maps, Sliders and Cooters are good beginner species.
Terrestrial: Red foots are hardy or a box turtle. Greeks are also a good choice. If you truly want something mainly carnivorous then an aquatic species would suit you better but basically most turtles and all tortoises are omnivorous (protein and plant matter). Even red eared sliders like some lettuce once in a while. Besides veggies are cheaper and easier then insects and you can buy it anywhere. If you go with an aquatic then it's main diet will most likely be a commercial pellet supplemented with other food items.
The best advice I can give is research a bunch of turtles/tortoises on line and see which suits your criteria the best. Good luck. TB

07-01-04, 04:54 AM
Thanks for the great advice, i wonder if this breeder has a website? also, where in calgary do they sell turtles? i heard greeks will live up to 100 years, is this true? if so then if i get one, i'll have to write up a will to make sure he's taken care of in his MIDDLE AGE! lol! yeah, i agree, i do want something omnivorous, i don't think i will be able to feed him a abundance of fresh cricket, ect as much as he likes it. i hope i can learn as much as possible about a turtle BEFORE i get one. we need more websites like these,eh? i get sick at heart when i read about poor turtles that are just being sold to anyone without first making sure that the potential owners have all the stuff and info the criitter need to have a happy life :( is thier any reptile rescue agencys in alberta? that would be great to adopt a turtle/ tortiose too!!

07-01-04, 07:23 AM
Welcome to ssnakess.... I like all turtles (water, land and sea). Land turtles and tortoises usually live longer and require low protien diets(except box turtles). Aquatic turtles will beg for food and follow you in the tank. Plus most aquatic turtles are ominivorous - eating mostly pellets, but wil take live prey and veggies on the most part.


07-04-04, 01:47 AM
Hi, peoplez!

just done alot of new research and im decided on some res, a softie or a red foot. now i know i need an omnivore and have found a good place here in calgary to buy cricket and worms and rodent to feed. have also been bugging the reptile rescue alberta- place but noone has gotten back to me. can anyone tell me the name and # of this red foot breeder mentioned above? also check out my new post "desperatly seeking turtle/tortie in Calgary" even if your chelys are not for sale i would love to come over and check out your setup/ pond this summer!

turtle! turtle!


07-04-04, 03:19 AM
Welcome to the site!

07-04-04, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by Turtle_Crazy
. have also been bugging the reptile rescue alberta- place but noone has gotten back to me.

Mostly because when you called, RRA was hanging out with Scales Zoo...one province over.;)

07-05-04, 12:56 AM
Redfoots are great, the $300+ price tag is a little steep but it's worth their little personality.

07-05-04, 06:05 PM
Hi, Christian! :)

just call me whenever you feel like it, i dont have to work until wed. i just finished talking to a young man who is wanting to sell me his Bowspit Tortoise. Since i cannot afford her, i promised to help him place her in a home. i gave him your url and email. Would you know some people who would be fit to welcome her into there home? also, i hope you had a wonderful time in Sask!

See ya @ weaslehead!

Nicole :)

07-05-04, 06:07 PM

oh, i know i just finished watching a clip of them in the wild. they are beautiful lil guys!


07-05-04, 08:08 PM
Nope can't have a softie here in AB, thanks alot everyone for the offers!
