View Full Version : They replaced C.I.T.E.S with D.U.C.T.A.P.E

Steeve B
06-30-04, 01:52 AM
Convention International Treaties Endangered Species (aka RED TAPE) was effectively replaced by Duct-tape!
Yes it happened throughout North America without anyone noticing, even here in Canada goannas are all over now, and an amazing diversity of species to!
Recently I was informed by someone who wishes to remain anonymous, that red tape is now a thing of the past, no more hassle with the governments and bureaucrats, at least not to get them in! However an export permit is only a phone call away thanks to the Canadian government’s amazing ethics, doesn’t matter how they come in as long as they know how they go out, WOW speechless!
CITES was funded to protect the worlds wild life against abusive collecting for skin and commerce, they also work to preserve habitat, I can understand that poverty can affect on over collecting wild population, however I cant understand why westerners who’d deliberately and wrongfully abuse this organism who’s noble role is to preserve endangered species.
Aim quit familiar with the red tape system of importation, however just out of curiosity how those duck tape system works? So I ask the experts! Do you need any special skills? Lets say if you have sensitive skin like myself do you need some kind buffer like antiperspirant or baby powder, or if your more the desert rat type do you need to shave? Do you slowly pull the tape or whack it rapidly? Is it always painful or just at first? Can custom officers spot you because of tape marks? Even a week later?
Any idea guys? Shod I use a maxi pad to keep an acceptable moisture level? (Long trips)

06-30-04, 02:46 AM
What the heck is going on? hahahaha

06-30-04, 06:59 AM
Steve, Steve, Steve, have you beeen talking to Frank? lol You have that dazed look about you, or have you just been drinking his beer?


06-30-04, 09:41 AM
I'd go with option B, definitely at least an 18 pack down

06-30-04, 12:28 PM

Steeve B
06-30-04, 12:54 PM
Kap10 your right this humorist post was also to get someones attension, but its also for fun!

so enjoy it and if you have idea on how the duc tape systhem works let it be known.

06-30-04, 01:15 PM
Who needs to make a phone call to the government when there's a thousand dirt roads along the border.

Cigarettes and other things have been moved across those unguarded roads for years. I wouldn't see varanids being handled any differently.

Except that cigarettes can't take your finger off. :)

And no, this post does not condone smuggling. Every person that gets caught makes it harder on the legit importers.

Steeve B
06-30-04, 01:19 PM
Every person that gets caught makes it harder on the legit importers.

very true!

06-30-04, 01:23 PM
Did someone you know actually duct tape one to their body? or a part of a vehicle?

I remember seeing the news about a woman getting busted last year for trying to smuggle one of the tiny species of monkey into the US under her hat. But she hadn't sedated it so it was moving the hat enough to draw attention to her.

Steeve B
06-30-04, 01:31 PM
no I was only kidding, however I do know about a japanes guy how piked up 20 babie parentys carefully set on a fenc for him to pick up and drive off in the aussi desert, never to be seen again.
that was 2 years ago, I wander where they are now, perhaps in a few collection around the world, awaiting for the duc tape systhem to spread there offsprins lol

sorry for the spelling I have no corector

06-30-04, 06:02 PM
thats the work of wacky tabacy ;)
no worries