View Full Version : About Shedding...

06-29-04, 08:14 PM
Hi everyone, i revcently picked up an adult male okeetee corn, its in a 35 gallon, with a hide, heat pad, water and such.
the first two days i got him he was super active always slithering around the tank, but for about a week now hes just been hiding in the hide, its one of those repti hiding places. so its like a rock with a hole at the front, i know hes alive because i lifted up the rock to feed him, he ate fine an all was well. He looks very pale and his eyes are blue and lighter, so im expecting him to shed soon.

My question is, is it normal for a corn to sleep sooooo much, he NEVER comes out unless i lift the rock. What should i do?

Kevin McRae
06-29-04, 08:24 PM
The snake was propbaly just exploring his new cage when you got- him, they are shy snakes and like to hide.

06-29-04, 08:44 PM
Corns tend to be active only around dusk and when they are hungry. Some individuals will be out cruising a lot, but ours are rarely out during the day - they start to come out around 8 pm, and typically when they are looking for food. I expect that the first couple days when you got him, he was checking for a way to escape, now that he has found the limits of his space, he will be content to stay in a safe warm spot. They are still quite good about tolerating handling, so other than the first couple days after feeding, he will likely be quite active when you are holding him,

Would be great if you can post pics - okeetees are beautiful snakes,

mary v.