View Full Version : Kenyan sand boa

09-30-02, 07:53 PM
Any thoughts on these guys? I'm getting one next month and just thought I'd ask if any one had any suggestions or opinions on temperment or special care! It'll just be a baby and i'll probably just keep it in a rubbermaid for now until it gets moved into a luxurious 10 gallon!


10-01-02, 06:04 AM
They make great pets. I have never been bit by one and they have little dry poops so you do not have to clean there cage as much. I also only offer mine water twice a week. Good luck with your new addition.

10-02-02, 12:35 AM
I have a little female and she is wonderful. She has never refused a meal of frozen/thawed mice and she has a great temperment. Never tries to bite, and will sit calmy in my hands. They are great pets, and the normals are beautiful to boot.

10-02-02, 01:52 PM
I love sand boas I had/have quite a few. Although, I can't say I haven't been bit by a sand boa, they are on the whole very calm creatures, with good feeding responses. I would totally reccomend them. They are very unassuming.