View Full Version : box or sulcatta?

06-29-04, 02:00 PM
Which one of these would you guys go for? How much is the boxes worth and how much is the sulcattas worth?

Hamster of Borg
06-29-04, 04:37 PM
Seems to me that is sort of like saying "Should I buy an Austin Mini or buy a 747 Jumbo Jet?" :) I don't think theres really any comparison, other than they both have shells... but I guess, if you have to ask, stick to the box turtle. ;)

Box turtles usually sell for around 30 dollars USD, sulcatas around 50 USD. Give or take...


06-29-04, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by Hamster of Borg
Seems to me that is sort of like saying "Should I buy an Austin Mini or buy a 747 Jumbo Jet?" :) I don't think theres really any comparison, other than they both have shells... but I guess, if you have to ask, stick to the box turtle. ;)

Box turtles usually sell for around 30 dollars USD, sulcatas around 50 USD. Give or take...


Well said... in Canada, you'll have to five for the prices. I'd stick with a boxie.:D


06-29-04, 09:55 PM
which one looks better?

07-06-04, 01:21 AM
You dont wanna base this on looks, one grows up to be over 250 lbs, and one is about the size of a soccer ball. Sulcattas need tremendous ammounts of UV and Boxies, while still needing UV, are just easier to are for. Id go with a boxie.

07-06-04, 02:32 AM
Guess what? as well as Sulcatta's being up to anywhere to 300 pounds, my pal, Toirtis sez that they don't readily distinguish between going around or over a wall, rather they just like to plow thru it! they also have a life span of up to 100 years! Box turtle seem more realistic especially if you live in a city, but if i had a farm, or was back on the rez (Siksika Nation reservation) i'd definatly go out and git me one!