View Full Version : Preserving and Displaying sheds?

06-29-04, 11:58 AM
What is the best way to preserve a shed?
Display it?

I was thinking of attaching it to either glass or "cardboard", but not sure with what.

Should I coat the shed with something? A gloss or sealant or ?????


06-29-04, 12:03 PM
Well if you wanted to display it on a wall you could just put it in a picture frame. Aslong as you dont open teh frame to much it should be just fine :)

06-29-04, 03:19 PM
Thx :)

I would like to be able to seal it so that it can be touched tho. I am playing around right now to see what happens. I've tried nailpolish and glue so far.

So Any other suggestions folks?

06-29-04, 03:23 PM
clear gloss spray paint

Gary D.
06-29-04, 04:13 PM
Continuous laminating machine is by far the best

beth wallbank
06-29-04, 07:56 PM
if you wanted them for presentation purposes, you could try placing several pieces that youve saved and put them between two pieces of glass or plexi, them have that framed. That or the laminating idea that Gary had is great too.

Kevin McRae
06-30-04, 08:52 AM
I just have it in a container normaly and its been there for years, i only use it when i want to chase the girls............hehehe

06-30-04, 10:52 AM
I have a really neat shed that I saved from a fat-tail I owned a few years back... It was of her head, and was very complete, so I gently affixed the shed onto a piece of black construction paper with a little glue. Then I got a laminate kit (originally for photgraphs) and sealed it. It looks great, and is still in wonderful condition.

As for larger sheds, I would apply a fixative, like those artists use to keep pencil and charcol drawings from budging.

One thing with the laminate: it is not forgiving if you misposition something, so make sure to practice on some 'test sheds' first. =)