06-29-04, 10:19 AM
just wanted to tell everyone hi. i live in georgia, here's a list of what we have,
1.2 bci (one het. for albino)
0.1 hogg island boa
1.1 ball pythons
2.1 corn snakes
1.1 trinket ratsnakes
1.1 chihauhau mountain kingsnakes
1.2 california kingsnakes
0.0.1 eastern kingsnake
1.1 albino nelson's milksnakes
1.1 sinaloan milksnakes
1.0 pueblan milksnake
1.1 western hognose
0.0.1 kenyan sand boa
1.0 amazon tree boa
0.0.1 solomon island ground boa
1.1 eastern collard lizards
1.1 brown basilisks
0.0.1 tokay gecko
1.2 leopard geckos (one high yellow)
0.1 bearded dragon
1.0.3 mali uromastyx
and there are some odd and end turtles, frogs, and a dog.
oh yeah... ON THE RUN:
0.1 pueblan milksnake
1.2 bci (one het. for albino)
0.1 hogg island boa
1.1 ball pythons
2.1 corn snakes
1.1 trinket ratsnakes
1.1 chihauhau mountain kingsnakes
1.2 california kingsnakes
0.0.1 eastern kingsnake
1.1 albino nelson's milksnakes
1.1 sinaloan milksnakes
1.0 pueblan milksnake
1.1 western hognose
0.0.1 kenyan sand boa
1.0 amazon tree boa
0.0.1 solomon island ground boa
1.1 eastern collard lizards
1.1 brown basilisks
0.0.1 tokay gecko
1.2 leopard geckos (one high yellow)
0.1 bearded dragon
1.0.3 mali uromastyx
and there are some odd and end turtles, frogs, and a dog.
oh yeah... ON THE RUN:
0.1 pueblan milksnake