View Full Version : New gecko species found...

Senator Gracken
06-28-04, 07:30 PM
Now that I have your attention...
check it out

The Red Deer Reptile Show and Sale is once again among us. There is unlimited tables and 10,000+ sq feet to fill. The show is in the same place as last year, which is the Parkland Pavilion at the Westerner Park 4847A-19 Street.

The BBQ will follow on Saturday after the show. It is free for all people with tables and their help. The kids are welcome as well since the BBQ is at the largest park in Red Deer which is also getting a make over right now. Last year there were over 80 tables booked and it grows every year.

Once again we will have the 3 major radio stations advertising the show, newspaper coverage and the TV crews will be there as well. Red Deer is a great location for a show, right in the middle of Edmonton and Calgary, 1-11/2hrs either way. Tons of parking as well. Tables are $30 ea and no limits, power and chairs are included in the price. Last year we gave a DVD/VCR combo away for a vendor for just showing up. We still need to figure out what to do this year, but it will be something good as always.

Mice & Things will also pay for a hotel room with hot tub for the person that travels the furthest for the reptile show. It will be for 2 nights.

06-28-04, 08:04 PM
I went last year, it was awesome. Very well put together, and lots of tables. I made the trip from Kamloops, BC and was not at all disappointed. I recommend attending :D


Kevin McRae
06-28-04, 08:07 PM
sure get my hopes up about a new gecko species................hehe

06-28-04, 08:19 PM
I will be there <i>and</i> be square. :cool:

06-28-04, 08:29 PM
aww damn, i wish i could go..to bad im so far away. I love reptile shows so much...when theirs people :rolleyes:

06-28-04, 10:17 PM
DAMN!! took one right out of my books, LMAO.

06-28-04, 10:51 PM
Aren't there rules against false advertising? lol...

06-28-04, 10:58 PM
What are the dates...?

06-29-04, 08:32 AM
Aug 28,29.

06-29-04, 10:21 AM
I hear the taxonomic name will be <i>Sneakius buggeris</i>

06-29-04, 11:44 AM
I thought that was the taxonomic name for a Cranny.... :D