View Full Version : Help...whats the best way to switch

06-28-04, 04:13 PM
Ive had my baby BP for a couple weeks now. He's about 16 or so inches, he has fed no prob on live mice every 4-5 days (he takes them right away), i tried to feed him F/K but he wouldnt take it. i would love to get him onto f/k or f/t rat pups (or the appropriate sized rats) and i was thinking what would be the best way to do this... should i just jump into the f/k rat pups or try get him to eat the f/k mice because he is already eating mice THEN then try to switch him to the f/k rat pups?? Im just trying to get away from a possibly harder switch later on down the line.. any input would be grateful.


06-28-04, 07:50 PM
well- mainly just keep trying. Also, make sure it is warm enough when you offer it, and if you still have no luck after a few more tries, then Id get a little pearing knife and expose some brains, guts and blood. Not a ton of it, but enough to really make it smell appetizing.

Good luck- from what I hear patience is the biggest key in making this switch.


06-28-04, 07:54 PM
Patience. Period. That's it.

06-28-04, 11:12 PM
yeah i figured as much..:) but still not sure if i should stick with the mice or switch over to the rats?

thanks again for the input

06-29-04, 02:00 PM
If i were you, i would have started feeding it rats sooner. I never feed my snakes mice, except for the smallest babies ( my ETB ), cause its much easier to breed rats... Their babies grow up much faster, they're smart and social, the adults dont spend their time killing each other... I love my rats so much i just keep them as pets, but the babies all end up to the freezer, to the savannah or to the snakes directly... When one of my rats escape, i always find it back on top of its cage the night after, they like their home...

06-29-04, 02:10 PM
Rats for sure, don't waste any more time. Next feeding, make it rats.

07-01-04, 12:02 AM
how big do rat get b4 they start to breed?

07-01-04, 12:05 AM
sorry double post... :( my bad