View Full Version : uromastyx

06-28-04, 04:09 PM
how do you think a mali and geyri would get along?

06-28-04, 08:16 PM
probably not very well..my two uro's didnt get along and they were both mali. :/

You could try...maybe wait for a second opinion becuase they could possibly need different husbandry needs...ive never read anything on geyri's but id asume their the same in needs.

06-28-04, 08:42 PM
Uromastyx are generally loners. We house all of them seperate except for breeding time.
Some people do house them together just keep an eye on them and make sure everyone is eating good. and not getting beat up.

I would not house them together.


06-30-04, 10:31 AM
It's not usually recommended to keep two together. They are very territorial, and can end up really hurting each other or one will be dominated by another and not develop well (or even die) if it stops eating.

It's especially difficult to keep two of the same sex together, as they tend to fight more.

And you do NOT want to keep a male and female together unless you want babies. And it's a BAD idea to mix species to create hybrids. Especially now while we're still learning a lot about uromastyx. Better to keep the species pure in my opinion.

And, you need to quarantine the new arrival for at least 2 months in a proper full enclosure anyways, so you might as well just keep them seperately their whole lives. It will save you A LOT of trouble in the long run!
