View Full Version : new enclosure for my baby BP (in the process)

06-27-04, 11:37 AM
Been working on this for the past 2 weekends, its for my baby BP, i know that main area would prob be too big for him so i designed it with 2 smaller rooms so he can feel comfortable there for now and later when he gets bigger he can use them as hides. on the left there's gonna be the heat source, so that side of the enc will be warm.

well tell me what you think...


06-27-04, 11:43 AM
Is this the pic you were trying to post?


06-27-04, 11:49 AM
dude thats a sweet enclosure...im sure your ball will be very pleased!Nice job

06-27-04, 01:46 PM
yeah it is, what did you do different, or do for that matter?

i couldnt get it, one of those days i guess :)
Thanks much Steve..

06-27-04, 02:01 PM
Wow thats amazing..your ball will have a great time in that thing..but if you want to get it, and its in the bottom section..what do ya do?

06-27-04, 02:42 PM
well the bottom (shallowest room) is just for heat so i can move the heat source around to find the best heat area for him and storage for extra hides and extra substrate...small stuff like that, wasnt intending it for him, but hey you never know. That hole you see linking the top to the bottom is just for better heat transfer, it will be covered with protected aluminium & substrate.. Well thats the plan so far. ill try post more pics as i progress...

06-27-04, 05:15 PM
for your picture problem you have to right click on the picture and click properties adn tehn copy the URL in there not the url in the toolbar.

your cage looks good...although i dont think you will need that hole for het transfer. what are planning on heating it with?

06-27-04, 11:42 PM
Nice enclosure! :D

06-27-04, 11:49 PM
yo..that is a nice enlclosure. Great job building it. But, what is the upper right hand section for? The diagram doesn't indicate it's use. What type of heat source are you going with? Is there a cut out on the top for a heat light?

06-28-04, 12:18 AM
dj that top right section is for a dwarf boa that i have for now. maybe later on i might open it up for my ball or i might just use it for a holding area for when im cleaning, or feeding (i think its too close for feeding tho and its the same environment, and i want him to associate a totally different env for feeding.)

06-29-04, 07:26 PM
I'm definitely not a fan of moving to a sep. enclosure for feeding, just extra handling and stress before and after feeding... just asking to get bit.

Lay a nice tile or stone bottom to seal and if you want you can put down newspaper or something, but for my JCP cage I just have vinyl tiles laid for the flooring and works like a charm... Plus can feed in enclosure so that theres no bites when moving back to enclosure.

SsSsnake Lover
07-07-04, 10:34 PM
What a sick cage man i love it do u have plans for it if u do can u pleas email them to me at nsbnofriends@aol.com size of wood what kind and price of all it put together
thanks lot Nick

07-08-04, 01:00 AM
thanks ssssnake...as far as plans go, im kinda winging it lol, should be finished this weekend or soon thereafter. so ill post finished pics, and ill try put together some plans if youd like...


SsSsnake Lover
07-08-04, 11:24 PM
ya man pleas try to put some plans and what ever like maybe even if you dont mind how much it coast to put it all together?
Thanks allot Nick