View Full Version : soo many to choose from

06-25-04, 12:53 AM
hey everyone im looking to get a new snake in september. let me know what ones u like

Drew S
06-25-04, 01:28 AM
I like Hog Island's, Dumeril's, and GTP's :D

06-25-04, 01:31 AM
i was thinking about GTP's but a little out of my price range. i also like Bloods alot but ive heard they can be agressive. is this true?

06-25-04, 02:25 AM
out of the listed , id go blood or burm... but how bout a coastal(much nicer then jungles in my opinion) or iran jaya carpet

06-25-04, 05:59 AM
I would say to go with JCP, they are my personal favorites.
And fortunately they are on the list.
They are not to large and not to small, they have a little attitude at first but you can work them in quite easily and you don't have to much to worry about them going off eating.
All round a nice snake.
But it is all just a matter of opinion.


06-25-04, 06:30 AM
brb= ball python? sorry don't browse the snake forums much, but ball pythons are by far my favorite snake

06-25-04, 08:17 AM
BRB = Brazilian Rainbow Boa :)

06-25-04, 09:09 AM
my personal favorites are Brazilian Rainbow Boas...for one they are absolutly beautiful, and they're not to hard to care for(as long as you keep their humidity up) and there just plan FUN!

06-25-04, 09:20 AM
uhhh....huatt double post

06-25-04, 09:21 AM
rtb's all the way!!!....are columbian redtails Canadian? ;)

06-25-04, 11:47 AM
I had to vote other, because I love them all. lol

06-25-04, 12:00 PM
Seeing you allready have : a Golden Gecko and a Water Dragon I'm assuming you pretty aware of humidity needs of some reptiles..

This being said, BRB can be a good choice.

The carpet is also a great snake wich is a good 2nd snake.. since you allready have a BP.

Personaly I'd wait for the Burmese (too big), I'd also wait for the Blood (can be agressive, depends of the individual you buy) need more practice with nippy snakes and as for the Red tail... again a size issue.

Other suggestions..
CB Amazon Tree Boa...


06-25-04, 12:15 PM
Here's an idea... instead of letting us pick your snake, how about YOU pick the species that you most want to work with based on research, and if you have specific questions about a specific species, ask us then. :) Letting us pick your snake for for you is like asking us how you should vote. Go with what YOU want.

06-25-04, 01:20 PM
well i have an idea of what i want. this is part of my research:P i was looking at a CB amazon tree boa but the one i was looking at was really agressive. i really like the BRB's though. there definatly at the top of my list at the moment

06-25-04, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by Invictus
Letting us pick your snake for for you is like asking us how you should vote. Go with what YOU want.

Good point. It's best to make sure you know which animal is best for you before you go and buy, not what other people prefer. Unlike when I'm shopping for clothes ;) I don't even consider acquiring an animal unless there's something specific I've been eyeing for some time beforehand

06-25-04, 04:33 PM
like i said before i have in mind what i want. this is just an inquery thread. this way i can find out who has what and get personal advice and such. more of a broad subject untill i narrow it down. PS. most lickely will be a BRB. i love there colour and i know how to keep up the humidity

06-27-04, 08:25 PM
Well my vote was for other with a mind towards IJ carpet. Any of the choices would be good. Hell, I'd go with any one of them, maybe you can flip a coin a couple dozen times or something.

06-28-04, 01:08 PM
Well what are you looking for in your next snake? The above snakes are all quite different from eachother. Do you want something that is easy to handle or just look at? Do you want something that will make a nice display animal or are you content with one that is not? Are you going to be able to handle a very large powerful animal if it is very aggressive?

06-29-04, 01:46 AM
many things to consider i know. but right now im REALLY leaning towards a BRB just because im pretty much already set up for one