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06-24-04, 06:30 PM
I am thinking of getting a ball python. It was recomended for me and I am a beginner but is it a beginner snake? How big do they get. If it got out of its cage could it kill me??? How big of a space (cage) do they need? Male or Female?

06-24-04, 06:47 PM
I don't think it could kill you.

I personally don't reccomend ball python as begginer snakes. but if you are set on getting one, do TONS of research. And getting a Captive Breed/born (CB) already feeding baby from a reliable breeder.

The min size cage they need is about 3ft. They get anywhere from 3-6 ft (rarely getting to 6 ft, but I have heard of people that have 6ft bp's)

Sex of the snake really doesn't matter.

Ball pythons are notorious for going off feed for no reason at all, causing their keepers to pull out every strand of hair, lol :)

They have a good temperment, but I always say if it has a mouth it can bite.

If you want a snake that comes out alot during the day, or one that you can watch during the day, then you don't want a bp (unless you are up at night) because they are nocturnal coming out at night to cruise around or hunt for food.

Goodluck :)

06-24-04, 07:10 PM
Because balls can be picky eater I also do not recomend them for beginers. Stick with your thoughts about the corn snake.

06-24-04, 07:42 PM
BP are great snakes in my opinion, but i do agree with everyone else in saying they are not good for begginers. get some experience with other snakes first, then if you want get a BP. Corn snakes are good for begginers, but so are sand boas. Whichever you go for do what people say and do tons of research before yoiu get anything. Good luck with whatever you choose.

06-24-04, 07:44 PM
Thank you, I wish I knew as much as you.

06-26-04, 08:54 PM
Dont lose heart Allie- what kind of snake you are ready for as a beginner really depends on you. Right now, do research and web searches for care sheets about ball pythons, and other snakes that interest you. If look objectively at what you need to do to care for them, and are financially and personally able and willing to do those things, then you may have much success with a BP as a first snake.

They are not generally recommended for begginers because of their very specific care (husbandry) requirements, which include careful regulation of temperatures and humidity, and also because a ball python needs to be left alone for awhile when you bring it home to acclimate to its new surroundings, and lots of people seem to have problems resisting temptation and just leaving them alone.

From this websites main page, there are links to care sheets for a variety of snakes, including a BP. Read up on the snakes you are interested in, and snakes in general. Also, in this website's search function, you can do a search for "beginnner snake ball python" and you will see some other threads like this one that discuss this very topic.

My first snake was a BP (actually its my only snake lol) but so far so good, because I did a lot of research first (for about 2 months before bringing him home) and Ive asked questions of the more experienced people on here when they have come up.