View Full Version : our new dumerils boas

06-23-04, 06:05 PM
well i am not as good with a camera as clownfishie but we just got these in from Dave and Andrea from DNA Reptiles. tey are a 1.1 03 pair and are absolutely amazing looking. THey are great people to deal with and i would recommend to all to consider them next time your in the market for a quality animal. Now i just have to buy 1 more male from a previous arrangement and we are set.

DNA Reptiles
06-23-04, 07:07 PM
Thanks for the compliments Aaron. You're certainly right, they are gorgeous looking specimens. We hope they do well for you. in the future....D & A.

06-23-04, 07:28 PM
VERY cool! Some of the best looking Dums I've ever seen! :D

06-23-04, 11:08 PM
They look great, congrats Aaron! :) Keep trying with that camera... practice makes perfect... lol.


06-24-04, 05:08 PM
Looking good......Dumerils are such an awsome snake to work with...have fun and good luck


07-01-04, 04:01 PM
Dum's are great, I have 2.2.
They are not very long snakes in compression to RedTails, my oldest is about 8 years old and is about 6-1/2FT. I figure she’ll max out at 7-8FT. Very thick snakes thou, she is a little thicker than a 2 liter Coke bottle. Those are wonderful looking Dum’s you have, congrats.