View Full Version : IMPORTANT! needsome help.

06-23-04, 12:44 AM
i have a ball python that i have absolutly no clue whats wrong with it. it's started bout a week ago, she 's been acting really funny since i feed her .(bout a day or to after) She's making this sound like almost a crying and she's being sick from both ends. She has almost like a stringie spit coming out of her mouth (RI) and at the same time she has runnie poop coming out of her bum. now at first i thought it was just her having a little trouble pooping, but then she made the sound and the spit came out , and now i dont know what to think. i feed her bout a day or two before this started happening , i was hoping that maybe someone could help. i've never had do deal with anything like this before.. I was thinking it could have been what i feed her. i usually give her meduim sized rats, but all i could get was adult mice so i gave her like 5 or 6 of them just to tie her over until i got some rats .
Well ask as many questions , because i know i didn't explain it all that well. anyways .

Sincerely and Thanx


I was also wondering could it be IBD?

06-23-04, 12:46 AM
This snake needs a vet. No one here can give you advice that will make it live because no one here can see what's happening.


06-23-04, 12:49 AM
thanx for the help , but i kinda figured that i would need to take it to the vet i was trying to get somewhat of an idea. thanx anyways.

06-23-04, 01:20 AM
Well you already have an idea....stuff coming from the mouth and noises normally IR. How severe cannot be told though. Some are cleared up at home, but yours sounds worse off although I am NOT a vet. Nor is anyone else here.

As for her runny poop that might be another sign of trouble depending on exactly whats going on.

With all we dont/can't know, I had to give a generic "go to the vet" answer.


06-23-04, 08:17 AM
Marisa is correct, the snake needs to see a vet. Not because people here are unwilling to dispense helpful advice, but because it sounds like the snake is in an advanced state of Respiratory Infection and there is not much we can offer. Since snakes really only have one functional lung (the other is a vestige and very small) an infection is very serious and the snake sounds to be past the point where a simple change in temps and humidity would clear it up. You need to see the vet and get Amikacin/Amiglyde (broad-spectrum antibiotic) injections as I see this to be the only way to clear up the infection.
Good Luck, keep us updated...

06-23-04, 09:01 PM
thanx for all your help. greatly apreciated