View Full Version : Yellow anaconda breeding

06-22-04, 05:44 PM
I have talked to a few different people on breeding yellow anacondas and just wanted some different views on questions.
How many yellow conda males should be put with the female? How large should the female be before breeding and how large should the males be?Also how large do these guys get in a year, fast growers? Any help would be great, jason

07-01-04, 12:04 AM
` One male is plenty. I have tried more and it causes pushing matches. It can also cause the strongest male to wrap the female, and be rough with her. You do not want an angry female. She can easily kill any male who offends her, if she is so inclined.
` I believe that they should be five years old, size is variable. Younger females tend to have gestation problems more often than fully mature females.
` Yellow Anacondas do not grow as quickly as some of the giant Pythons, nor do the Greens.
` Here are some mating pix of my Yellow Anacondas. The female is the dark one.
` Males fighting over a female. They puff up their throats like rat snakes. They never did more than push each other around.
` The male wraps the female when other males are present.
` Mating position when only one male is present.
` He has quite a satisfied smirk on his face, don't you think?
` If he does a good job with the female, I give him a snack.


07-10-04, 03:00 PM

Great photos! And beautiful 'condas!!!

07-22-04, 07:00 AM
pretty sick humour! I don't like cats, but they have ther place as well as every living thing. who ever does things like this should not have animals!!!! Paul

07-22-04, 08:58 PM
` I do like cats. I've had that one almost eighteen years! He insists on being in my lap if I'm giving attention to any other animal. Snakes are about the only other animal he will tolerate. All the other cats, and dogs, in the neighborhood are terrified of him. He and that Anaconda have been socializing since the snake was a baby.
` However, you're probably right, I shouldn't have animals. I'll get rid of them immediately.
` Here's one more picture of them together, before I dump them.

07-22-04, 10:13 PM
when i lived in toronto I have seen to many things happen to pets sorey, if the cat and snake get along that is differant, I have had burms that were taken away from people that were feeding them cats and small dogs. I valentered at the endangerd sanctuary on Mill wood with Bill Valearback in 1982 to 1990
sorey I should have asked first it just angers me to see to many people beeing crule to other animales,I willsay it again sorey for the missunderstanding Paul Van Hooser pkaviary@yahoo.ca
ps very good looking ana

07-22-04, 10:16 PM
lol...ive already forgotten all about this. But it really seems that you know your animals and its not just something you tried out one day.

I dont think we should even bother yelling...imo its not as bad as it looks at first glance. Hey, if they've been getting along for the last some odd years...why would it randomly decide to eat it one day? Am i right?

07-22-04, 11:25 PM
` I think you're right.
` That Anaconda has never had live food, never. I got him when his belly was still open, and he was dragging his yolk sac. He's pretty lazy about eating, and as a baby, liked to be hand fed. He still does. I'd be afraid to try him on live food as he doesn't strike at, or constrict his food. His siblings were the same way.
` He's never unsupervised when around other animals. I don't think he sees the cat as a prey item. I think he sees him as a heater. When the Anaconda was a 20 inch baby, he would sleep on the cat. That cat could have killed him in a second, but there has never been any aggression between them. The snake has tried to approach other cats, but I can't trust them not to hurt him.
` I wouldn't try something like this with an adult snake as powerful as an Anaconda.
` This guy is just a very unusual Anaconda.

07-23-04, 12:14 AM
Well i think you seem to be pretty sweaty on that picture outside with the cat and the 'conda... i guess it was pretty hot outside, but still, thats not an excuse... i wont get a 'conda just because of that!

07-23-04, 11:52 AM
Just kidding, but i dont think ill ever consider getting an anaconda for practical reasons... even if it is very tame, an anaconda is just too big, same for burmese, rocks, retics, though they are just amazing looking snakes...

08-12-04, 02:57 PM
Yellows dont get as big as most other BIG snakes. They average 8-12ft, with 14 being the max. They're not too huge! LOL.


08-12-04, 09:41 PM
Well, 8-12 feet, the average female BCC size... thats why i've got a male!!! Give me room, thought, and i'd have bigger...

08-13-04, 12:25 AM
Amazing pics!