View Full Version : Help with a request please?

06-22-04, 01:38 PM
Hi everyone....

I have a friend from NZ coming down to visit in a couple of months, and I get to christen her to snakes and lizards :) Most are illegal there, and she's never touched or seen most of what I have.

Anyways, as a special present I am making her up a collage of sheds....ALL types of sheds I can get my hands on.

I have leopard gecko's, dragons, and some boa's and a corn.

But am looking for sheds from other reptiles, as well as good shed pieces from any snake or lizard. I would love some bigger sheds ( 5ft snakes or more ), any full size shed, etc.

I'd be willing to send a SASE to you to send them to me if you want to go that route.....

I would really appreciate any help you can give.

an example of a good shed piece: My iguana shed a good chunk of her belly in one piece....her markings on it as well :)

I have little pieces from baby dragons too.

anything would be appreciated....

PM me here, or email me if you'd be willing to help out.

Thanks in advance.

06-22-04, 05:21 PM
My Cali King is goin into a shed and should shed within the next 1 n a half weeks to two weeks, hopefully it's a complete shed, i'll PM u when it does

06-22-04, 05:35 PM
Excellent, thank you so much :)

06-22-04, 09:13 PM
I had a peice of shed from one of my baby vipers. it came off the entire back in one peice, had some marking on it too. total length was less that 1 cm. I wish I would have kept it.

06-22-04, 09:20 PM
I'm wondering if it's legal for your friend to take 'untreated' animal parts back home? Have you checked into it? Some countries have really crazy and strict laws governing animals and animal parts or by-products.

06-22-04, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by DragnDrop
I'm wondering if it's legal for your friend to take 'untreated' animal parts back home? Have you checked into it? Some countries have really crazy and strict laws governing animals and animal parts or by-products.

Yeppers, shed's are quite legal...we've already explored every law involving this as I've already mailed her some sheds :)

Now if I were sending lizards, that's a whole diffrent ballgame.

NZ is a hard country for the exotic reptiles to make home...lots of permits, quarentine, etc.

Hence just the sheds. When I sent some, her son was sooooo impressed, and he was able to take them to school to show.

06-23-04, 01:45 PM
PM me with your address - I have lots of different corns, kings, milks and I am sure I can find a couple from larger boas and carpet pythons that are close to complete sheds -

mary v.

06-23-04, 04:44 PM
NZ= new zealand? sorry im in US or else I'd be happy to send you some corn sheds:\

06-23-04, 08:30 PM
Mary, you have PM :)

Ixidor: My friend is in NZ ( New Zealand ), I am in Canada :) Would you mind sending some here? I'd be happy to pay postage. PM me if you want.

Thanks so much everyone.

06-23-04, 08:45 PM
You sure she can take those home...?

I was in New Zealand last year, and they have very, very tight restrictions on what goes into their country - especially plant & animal products.

NZ is a hard country for the exotic reptiles to make home...lots of permits, quarentine, etc.

Do they allow anything in at all...? I got the impression while there that they wouldn't allow any exotic in what-so-ever - period. Does she keep anything back home...? Should drag her over here. I'd be fascinated to hear what they have over there, as I thought that there'd be nothing in the way of reptiles.

06-23-04, 09:56 PM
Hey Chris-

Unfortunately, less than a month ago I finally threw away a PERFECT shed (full body) from a 5ft rainbow boa. I do, however have a 3-3.5 foot shed from a jungle carpet python and would be more than willing to send it to you. I'll PM you my address and we can figure something out...

Brent Strande

06-24-04, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by Will
You sure she can take those home...?

I was in New Zealand last year, and they have very, very tight restrictions on what goes into their country - especially plant & animal products.

Do they allow anything in at all...? I got the impression while there that they wouldn't allow any exotic in what-so-ever - period. Does she keep anything back home...? Should drag her over here. I'd be fascinated to hear what they have over there, as I thought that there'd be nothing in the way of reptiles.

Hey Will, Man, I envy you. I would LOVE to go over there for a visit.

She doesn't keep any snakes or lizards, she had the oppurtunity to get a bearded dragon ( all legally ), but it was $600!!!!!!!!!!! Just for a normal :o Needless to say, she did not get it LOL.

She does have turles :)

Way back when...we looked into the sheds, I wanted to send some for her son as a surprise eh. But I didn't want to send a pkg just to have it confiscated. So she asked the authorities about recieving sheds from snakes and lizards......they ok'd it. I don't know the exact reason it does not fall under their forbidden category.....

perhaps because they aren't illegal? I do not know.
Dragons and certain other herps are legal, but very few people keep them because 1. they aren't native there so it has to be imported, and imported animals have to undergo an extensive Q' period in which officials have them and may not take proper care of them....2. because of the import, the $$$ of these herps is OUTRAGEOUS. the actual herp costs an arm and a leg, the time spent in Q costs, etc. quite the pain in the buttocks aye.

Hey Will, want me to ask her what the procedure for importing actually is?

06-25-04, 11:08 PM
Hey Will, want me to ask her what the procedure for importing actually is?

Yeah sure, that'd be interesting to know. Just for curiousity anyways.

Man, I envy you. I would LOVE to go over there for a visit.

Haha, don't envy me...

All that visit did was leave me wanting to go back a whole lot more, lol. But I know it'll be a while before I get a chance to, so I'll just have to suck it up. Incredible country they have over there. Just be happy you don't have to suffer like me... :D

Jeff Hathaway
06-26-04, 06:54 AM
How many would you like? We've got lots. Send me an email, and I'll send you back our snail mail address.

Jeff Hathaway
Sciensational Sssnakes!!

Corey Woods
06-26-04, 06:57 AM
I don't think you'd have a problem with non CITES sheds. However, CITES animals they may have a problem with. As far as I know all products from an endangered/threatened animal needs paperwork (CITES) to cross the border. If you were to have a snake pelt you'd need paperwork and I would assume that a shed skin from a CITES listed animal would need paperwork as well. Definately something you should check into.


06-28-04, 09:23 PM
Thanks everyone :)