View Full Version : Frozen Food ordering

06-21-04, 12:16 PM
I have one Cornsnake. I don't want to order 50 pinkies, because I'll never use them...he'll be growing out of them soon. When ordering, can you mix up your order? Like 20 pinkies, 10 fuzzies? Thanks again.

06-21-04, 12:19 PM
Not that I know of-I've not seen a company that allows this. I also found that by the time you add shipping your're paying an outrageous amount. You can feed multiples of the pinkies to get rid of them. Have you checked pet stores or local reptile shows?

06-21-04, 12:47 PM
Most bulk ordering places have minimum number of one size mouse per bag, since that is how they are packaged and they won't split bags - but you might want to check with individual companies.

If you are only feeding one corn, you might see if there are any herp clubs in your area - they are a good source of local contacts with rodent breeders who will sell small numbers and mixed lots of mice or rats, usually much cheaper than pet stores. Sometimes the staff in local pet stores can put you in touch with local reptile breeders as well - but they are not always willing to do that. Reptile shows, like Tigergeneisis says, are a great idea too,

mary v.

mary v.

06-21-04, 01:19 PM
You might try Rodentpro.com. They let me buy 25 small pinkies to start out with. I called them though as their website doesn't give you that option.


06-21-04, 01:30 PM
yeah...i order all my feeders thru rodentpro.com...they have pretty good shipping rates

06-21-04, 01:39 PM
Maybe it's just my zip code, but when I checked how much it would be to order what I planned on buying at the reptile show this weekend, it was like $20 for shipping. I have heard great things about them and their products.

06-21-04, 02:50 PM
maybe it is your zip...the last time i ordered i got 50 fuzzies and it was only like a 2 dollar shippin charge...

06-21-04, 02:57 PM
geez, mon-- only $2.00!! You must live right next door to them! lol

The shipping I paid was a lot more than the pinkies themselves. It was worth it though.

06-21-04, 04:35 PM
Must be the zip. I just went back to their site just to make sure I hadn't read it wrong. If I orded a $17 bag of 100 pinkies, shipping would then be an additional $19.21!!