06-20-04, 10:00 PM
Red Deer Reptile Show and Sale Application of 2004
Show dates are Aug. 28 & 29
Business or vendor's name______________________________________________ _____________________
Address __________________________________________________ _______________________________
E-mail address Phone __________________________________________________ _____________________
Type of Display __________________________________________________ ________________________
Number of Tables __________________________________________________ ________________________
(Cost is $30.00 per table, must be pre-paid)
Will you need to book a hotel room? __________________________________________________ ________
Information package will be mailed out with more info.
Emergency Contacts
Person to Contact __________________________________________________ _______________________
Number where person can be reached __________________________________________________ _______
People showing must bring some type of antibacterial cleaner for wiping hands. This is to
help prevent any transfers of diseases. All reptiles must stay at the table! With the $30.00
charge of tables, it will include Tables, Chairs and two vendor's passes.
All Animals Must Be Non-Venomous!!!
Any donations will be accepted to help with advertising. This will help put on a great
show in Red Deer. If paying by check, please make it payable to Walter Pacholko
You can copy and paste it then email it back to me or print it out and fax it to 403-748-3701
Show dates are Aug. 28 & 29
Business or vendor's name______________________________________________ _____________________
Address __________________________________________________ _______________________________
E-mail address Phone __________________________________________________ _____________________
Type of Display __________________________________________________ ________________________
Number of Tables __________________________________________________ ________________________
(Cost is $30.00 per table, must be pre-paid)
Will you need to book a hotel room? __________________________________________________ ________
Information package will be mailed out with more info.
Emergency Contacts
Person to Contact __________________________________________________ _______________________
Number where person can be reached __________________________________________________ _______
People showing must bring some type of antibacterial cleaner for wiping hands. This is to
help prevent any transfers of diseases. All reptiles must stay at the table! With the $30.00
charge of tables, it will include Tables, Chairs and two vendor's passes.
All Animals Must Be Non-Venomous!!!
Any donations will be accepted to help with advertising. This will help put on a great
show in Red Deer. If paying by check, please make it payable to Walter Pacholko
You can copy and paste it then email it back to me or print it out and fax it to 403-748-3701