View Full Version : awwwwww

06-20-04, 09:38 PM
My sav is calming down extremely quickly lately...hes never been so tame or calm to fall asleep in my lap! a huge break through for me!!!

thx 4 lookin

06-20-04, 09:43 PM
Nice! Don't you hate it when they fall asleep and you can't move a muscle and you just sit there, helpless. Your body starts to twitch and you just want to scream because you're itching all over!

Anyway...good luck with the little guy!:D

06-20-04, 09:44 PM
i know EXactly what you mean...im typeing with one arm right now! :p

06-20-04, 09:49 PM
It's always nice to have a back scratcher or a ruler around for such an emergency!;)

06-21-04, 12:44 AM
hopefully he is really sleeping cuz savs when they dont like wats going on they shut their eyes like they are shutting you out (what it cant see isnt really there... right?) i have just found this because i have worked with so many savs and as well it is common for lizards to shut their surroundings out...
but it may be calm enuff to sleep

06-21-04, 10:13 AM
Well that is a stress sign, but I don't know. Don't you think that he would open his eyes once in a while to see if Adam was still there if he were stressed? He probably just enjoys Adam's body heat or is tired.

06-21-04, 11:25 AM
could be anything
still cute both ways:)

06-21-04, 11:38 AM
As long as it continues to eat and act normally (as normal as it can anyway) its fine. When an animal begins to hide from you and refuse food, then you begin to worry. As long as thats not happening, enjoy your lizard! :)

06-21-04, 08:06 PM
he hides always but eats like a machine..eats all the scraps from other reps including his own diet..hes getting nice a plump :D

I think forsure he was just tired, because i took him out just before lights out..he was under a rock about to sleep too

06-21-04, 08:41 PM
good for you mines die three days ago ~! but still have them solmon ground baos

07-03-04, 02:07 PM
Thats bad...sorrt bout that.
Was he old?

07-05-04, 09:38 PM
dog tame very nice liz i love 'em

07-05-04, 11:25 PM
lucky for you mine stays in his burrow till around 2pm and then comes out if he see's you moving he will go for his burrow. The worst thing is I leave for work around 2:10 so I only see him for 10 minutes a day this is going to be a problem when he get's bigger. I hope not a big problem.

07-06-04, 04:31 PM
Well a while after this post, I posted another thread that the little bugger gave me a bite!

My guy also never comes out but eats like a machine so im not worried. Just worried he'll be a mean adult.

07-12-04, 10:42 PM
Remember, these animals were not meant to be pets and enjoy human companionship.. You're bigger than him which means only one thing to the lizard "I better defend myself or be lunch"... It is said also that an agressive animal is a healthy animal.. Nice savannah.

07-18-04, 05:44 AM
Aw how cute! Wait til he/she gets bigger!

My girl is only 2 1/2ft and MAN do those claws tear into you! I'm lucky enough that she is SOO tame. WHen I come in my room she runs up to the glass!:D SHes awsome....she has a bad habit of wanting to sit on my SHOULDER:(