View Full Version : Why is there so few female herps???
06-20-04, 08:41 PM
Why are young female herpers so hard to find? I am just wondering where are all the herper chicks hiding!!! There are never singles! How sad!
06-20-04, 08:46 PM
Well, I'm female and single. Two out of three ain't bad, huh? ;)
06-20-04, 08:46 PM
Most probly find it disgesting, not saying all of them do. But there probly imbrassed? amybe not as crazy as we are coming here everyday to ost about our reptiles haha
06-20-04, 08:52 PM
I'm also female, and single. Maybe we should start a club, Hilde ;) There are a ton of hot herper chicks out there, you're just not looking hard enough :p
06-20-04, 08:55 PM
What!?!?! Not looking hard enough?!?!?! Well in the aera they're pretty hard, anyways, i have a girlfriend ( which doesnt really enjoy my reptiles much ) at the moment but i was just surprised of how hard you reptile girls are hard to find, where do you hang out? In the trees? Under rocks? Near rivers? Digging in the sand?
Herper chicks are weird though. I find the vast majority have something wrong with them. Like a mental disease or something. :p
People who keep reptiles are whackos anyhow.
06-20-04, 09:03 PM
Female herps? Or female HERPERS?? Half my baby snakes every hear are female herps. Totally abundant.
06-20-04, 09:07 PM
if you think single female herpers are few and far between, try married mom's who are herper's. i'm the only one i know of around here!
06-20-04, 09:10 PM
Married .. mom... herper... Well I'll be darned - two out of three again!! At least I'm consistent. :)
06-20-04, 10:08 PM
im female young and single...well damn, 3 out of 3!
06-20-04, 10:17 PM
and i don't have a mental disease or anything wrong with me...i don't is that 4 out of 3?
06-20-04, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
Female herps? Or female HERPERS?? Half my baby snakes every hear are female herps. Totally abundant.
HAHA! I'll take one out for a night! Not, lol, but you could be extremely generous to me and give me one!:D :p
Im young and single, but im male, LOL. 2/3! Yah, I dont know of all that many female herpers. I mean, there are quite of few, but nowhere near as many as there are guys. LOL.
06-20-04, 10:30 PM
all the better for the single girls out there...;)
06-20-04, 10:34 PM
Herper chicks are weird though. I find the vast majority have something wrong with them. Like a mental disease or something.
Very True. Many of them shop at Hot Topic, drink beer with names you cannot pronounce and speak to the devil via a crystal ball held by a resin cast dragon named Nythermutem and own a Corn snake named Rasputen and Ball python named Slyther. The rest are married to other herper dudes and completely normal (the rare ones).
Well, if I were to give a theory:
girls are less into reptiles, they are more of a 'guy' thing (like cars and stereos and whathaveyou). Those who are interested in them usually dabble when they introduced by a boyfriend (hence the lack of single girls) or perhaps when they are settled down and think 'hey, I always wanted to see what it would be like to keep a snake!'.
Guys, on the other hand, seem to think it's 'cool' to keep herps (not all of them of course but a lot of the passers through just pick up a ball python to impress their buddies). Hence the abundance of young single male herpers.
All this notwithstanding, I am a young female herper so I guess I just partly nullified what I said :P
06-20-04, 10:36 PM
yay! im rare! i must be expencive! sorry im being so ******** it's late
06-20-04, 10:38 PM
and that ****** was ment to be the other word for mentally challanged...that was just weird...
06-20-04, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by python_diva_06
yay! im rare!
U sure r rare, one of the very few elusive pythonis divalonic 06ixis! (geeze i'm corny but it's 1 in da morn n runnin on 3 hours sleep n i have nuttin better to do lol :p )
There aren't many young female herpers for the same reason there aren't many young male estheticians.
06-21-04, 12:04 AM
I agree with Katt!! best avoided :)
Herper pairs are like negative integers and distant heavenly bodies.. they tend to burn brightly at first feeding on each others hot gases, until they supernova cancelling each other out, creating massive holes in the universe
Tim and Julie B
06-21-04, 12:13 AM
Hmm.....hey Jeff do you want to start another forum on here? Maybe a dating service for all the single men and women here? Seems like they could really use it!:D
06-21-04, 12:14 AM
There are lots of female herps out there, its just that most of us have already snatched them up :)
Well, the only person I know in real life who has a herp is my buddy's weed dealer. All he has right now is a Kenyan Sand Boa but he said he'd gladly trade weed (in a generous portion) for herps. Maybe once I start breeding something I'll take him up on his offer, LOL.
In general though, I don't know many people my age (early 20's) who live on their own and who keep pets. Firstly, students who study in a different place than where they live during the summer would have difficulty transferring pets back and forth. Secondly, fresh graduates tend to live in apartments, which may not allow any pets whatsoever or may specifically prohibit herps. Or, they just might lack the stability/predictability to keep a long-term pet as they really don't know where they'll be a year from now.
Oh well, I'm going to the reptile show in Abbotsford coming up (my first one) and I'll get to see what a lot of herpers are like.
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!
Originally posted by bistrobob85
What!?!?! Not looking hard enough?!?!?! Well in the aera they're pretty hard, anyways, i have a girlfriend ( which doesnt really enjoy my reptiles much ) at the moment but i was just surprised of how hard you reptile girls are hard to find, where do you hang out? In the trees? Under rocks? Near rivers? Digging in the sand?
Where do herpers (male or female) hang out? The only time I ever meet herpers is through shows or sales. Used to meet some through work before it closed down as well. I think I know just about the same percentage of single herper guys and single herper girls as well.
Although I have to agree with Roy. I'm glad Mike isn't a herper, it keeps balance in our relationship, as well as gives me something that I can have as my own thing. I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with another herper... it just would be disasterous I'm sure :firestart
06-21-04, 09:00 AM
i think i know one other serious herper other then myself and she's female, but a little weird, not in a bad way cause we're all weird in someway... but like Linds i only meet other herpers at shows...but, if you think about the percentages there aren't that many of us out there compared to other pet owners...unfortunately :(
I have met other herpers at the pet store, reptile shows (obviously) and zoos. I think that there arent that many of us out there, and for the most part, we like to keep our collections to ourselves.
06-21-04, 11:15 AM
I don't know any herpers personally, but I have dealt with Chris from Ottawa/Fredricton and Deb damzookeeper (who btw is female), and they were both really cool people. Of course I'm out of the loop for now because my landlord won't let me keep pets:( I used to have wild pet pigeons who'd visit me every day but they've disappeared:( They had a nest and an egg on my balcony but my landlord threw it away because they were shitting everywhere. I do agree that there doesn't seem to be nearly as many females out there as males.
Originally posted by LISA127
if you think single female herpers are few and far between, try married mom's who are herper's. i'm the only one i know of around here!
im a married mom herper in pa
06-21-04, 12:21 PM
Quote"but I have dealt with Chris from Ottawa/Fredricton"
Martin, Did you forget my name?
06-21-04, 12:43 PM
3 out of 3 here. Blueeheeler
I've turn my girlfriend into a quazi-Herper. hates' snakes though.....DAMB!!!! and she seems to think that my soon to be purchased beardie is "our" beardie..... except I will pay/care/feed the little guy..... Women, go figure. :)
06-21-04, 02:59 PM
the guy i'm seeing is afraid of lizards and terrified of snakes. awh :( but he's still a cutie, and i'm working on fixing that.
06-21-04, 03:20 PM
i am a young female herper. every guy i have ever dated was either terrified/grossed out by my animals (especially the big snakes), or was like "you like reptiles, so you're insane, but we can work around that."
06-21-04, 03:24 PM
all the guys i'v dated have been pretty much cool with it...the only people who have problems with it are my 2 best female friends and my best friend, who's a
06-21-04, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by LISA127
if you think single female herpers are few and far between, try married mom's who are herper's. i'm the only one i know of around here!
I'm a married mom herper here in California :D
Roy, very interesting your theory.
Vanan and I met b/c of herps and it seems we stay together b/c of herps!! There's been some darn rocky times however, but we're over three years now.
Why exactly do you believe herper couples burn out? B/c of finaces? Squables?? Should I dump Vanan find myself a rich non herper boy and live in paradise? <laugh>
Actually, I can't imagine it any other way now. We talk "shop" a lot, but we have so many other varied interests. Plus we're pretty darn seperate. Seperate collections, seperate herp food bills , seperate computers, heck we pay our food seperately. There is only one thing we share, and that's one bank acct (we have our own bank accts in different banks), which I don't even use! Just today we decided that "our" third cat belongs to Vanan. We don't even touch each other snakes or open containers or feed.
I think that's the key though. We have long since drawn the line on what's mine is mine and what's his is his.
Sorry to hijack. I've just found it interesting how many herper couples DON'T seperate their collections.
06-21-04, 03:59 PM
I'm a mother to 6 and love herps!! Not so weird, I think. My kids love it!!
katey and i share our collection though you can see the snakes she picked and the ones i picked are quite different...
I'm young, female, herper, and with a non herper (converting).
06-21-04, 09:42 PM
There are alot more female herpers now than when i first got involved in this craziness back in the 60's and 70's. Trust me there were none. Come to think of it,there were hardly any herpers period. I personally now know quite a few female herpers and I think its great. Where were you 30 years ago? An Oldtimer
06-21-04, 10:03 PM
i wasn't born 30 year's ago...:( but if i was i would have still so been in into the whole herp scene!
06-21-04, 10:06 PM
well I wouldn't say there weren't that many herpers, its just it wasn't so public as it is now.
It was sortof an underground thing back then. I can think of at least a dozen female herpers that have been around for along time you just never met them or heard of them unless you were at one of teh herp parties/BBQ's
06-21-04, 10:31 PM
Well, I would be married if he'd pop the question ( common law ), female, mom of partner is a NON-herper in every sense of the word.
Shane Tesser
06-22-04, 05:25 PM
Ive been around this hobby now for quite some time i suppose, and ive been to lots and lots of shows, had the chance to meet lots of members whether live or in chat or just here on the forums...and there is an abundance of single herper girls, single herper boys etc. I think if you want to find have to physically get off your p.c. and go and look. Hit the shows, meet the ppl you talk to on here wont take long. Im not sure if i agree with Katt's mental picture of most herper girls but i have met a few that are out there lol. Most of them are great however and im a fan of anyone who loves and cares for animals...i think its a great quality...ever tried to date someone who doesn't like animals!!! Roy, i have to agree with your conclusions on ppl dating each other in the hobby...i find the exact same thing with the majority of relationships ive seen happen over the years on here.....maybe thats another reason i have no herps :P But seriously....for those who want to meet and get to know someone such as a single herper chick or dude i have two words for you.....CHAT ROOM!!!
Jeff Hathaway
06-23-04, 07:32 AM
Well, Roy, there's something I can't agree with you on!!!
Jeff Hathaway
Sciensational Sssnakes!!
Tim and Julie B
06-23-04, 08:59 PM
Tim and I just celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary and were together for 6 years prior. We are inseperable. If we aren't at work we are together. Though we do have our own bank accounts and our own herps and herp supplies. He doesn't touch my stuff, but he hasn't said anything about me not touching his. The only thing I won't help with is the snakes, but he doesn't mind:D You just need to find the "right" person. Other than that we share the food bills for all the animals. Whoever gets paid first, buys first LOL
Originally posted by LISA127
if you think single female herpers are few and far between, try married mom's who are herper's. i'm the only one i know of around here!
You aren't alone Lisa. I'm a mom of 3! As for the female herpers, there are quite a few at our local society meetings but most at least have a SO of some sort (fiance, BF, etc.) I'm really impressed though with the number of younger people getting involved. My three daughters will eventually be in the SFH category but that will be in another 13+ years since they are only 3 1/2 yrs old. :D Also, my DH isn't a herper but does like the snakes, especially since he has seen what a blood grows like!! LOL, We have triplets, own pythons, and are both black belts in Tae Kwon Do, he figures this puts us on some "cool people to know" list. LMAO, men!! By the way, I think I'm quite normal and people are usually a little shocked that I keep snakes, especially around my children since they can eat them right? I love educating people.
06-24-04, 05:21 PM
Haha I'm a female herper, have been since I was 3 years old, that young enough for you? What do you mean by young though? Like 13 young? 19 young? I'm 19 and Single lol
burmese maniac
06-24-04, 05:27 PM
how about getting some pics of all the female herpers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
06-25-04, 10:36 AM
i'll try to get a pic of me in the gallary asap...
06-25-04, 11:08 AM
"you like reptiles, so you're insane, but we can work around that." Haha!! Good stuff.
I think I prefer being single unless it's someone who IS into reptiles. Otherwise they just get bored of me doing animal stuff so often. :D
burmese maniac
06-25-04, 07:59 PM
looking forward to seeing those pics. to bad there are not alot more herper chics!!!!!!1
06-25-04, 09:36 PM
I'm a herper girl too. Not so young, though, and I'm also not single. Been married for 10 years now. Been seriously herping for 5. I have always had a love of animals and reptiles in particular but I never got out much and living in a little hick town there were no pet stores that carried herps. I got my first herps in 1999 from a friend ( I was young and nieve and didn't realize it was a wild caught native species at the time, once I found out more about it I relieced them back into the area she got them and when herp searching in near by Ottawa, found my first bearded and it continued from there. My daughter is now officially a herper chick as well, she got her first snake last week end. She's 9 1/2. My husband on the other hand is not an animal person and is somewhat afriad of my lizards. He is terrified extremely of snakes. He made the terrible mistake of letting me get my first snake for mother's day. We now have 3. lol. Just tiny ones though, 2 corns and my daughter's sinaloan milk.
Before my herps I had other exotic animals, hedgies, dwarf hamsters, dwarf rabbit, and a pug dog. They have all passed since and although I miss them I have to say the herps are the best of my pets.
Oh, and Martin, nice to see you around again. Hope all is well with you. The albinos are doing great, I have nearly a dozen babies and the girls were starting to slim a bit but since I took caesar away from them they are doing great. Oh, and you should see him, he is huge now, you wouldn't believe he was the same little gecko from last summer. lol. He's a cutie!! And the girls are very handlable now and they stoped biting a couple months after I got them. Thanks again.
06-27-04, 05:18 AM
Well to be honest, I come onto this site to contact others with interests in herps and to learn about reptile keeping. I don't consider the net to be a dating source. If I were to meet someone through this site or any other that would be cool but it is not something I actively seek. Women in the outside world are rather abundant.
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