View Full Version : 58 days

Scales Zoo
06-20-04, 08:34 PM
Sorry, got no pictures, but the Elvira's babies (albino burms) are hatching.

There are about 10 pipped, 4 with heads emerged.

I had to look back to see what Corey had guessed, and he said 58 days at 89.5. He had also correctly guessed we'd get 40 eggs (which we did), and the day they'd be laid.

The larger egg box with 25 eggs in it, which was warmer for the first part of incubation (had a thread in the breeding forum about the eggs creating their own heat), also got warmer a week before they hatched, as Dave Barker said I might expect. I had to turn down the incubator setting, and open some vent holes to cope with the extra heat near the end.

Will be interesting to see how long the eggs in th other egg box take to start hatching, some have just started to dimple. It will also be interesting to see any differences in the babies from the one egg box to the other (If the babies successfully hatch in the second egg box, that is).

Baby burms are so cute, can't wait till they are all the way out of the egg.


06-20-04, 08:36 PM
Totally awesome!!! I can't wait to see how the babies look!

06-20-04, 08:37 PM
Hey, congrats, guys! :)

I can't wait to see pics....

06-21-04, 05:08 AM
Good stuff Ryan!

Scales Zoo
06-22-04, 11:45 AM
Snapped a few pictures with the video camera. It doesn't take the greatest pictures - sorry for the quality.



A group shot of them in the eggs. About 10 snakes pulled their heads into the eggs about 5 seconds before I took this picture - otherwise, it would have been a really cool pic.


And it looks like we've got twins. I've made a post about the twins in the breeding / incubation forum http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=47074
