View Full Version : I am Canadian!

Scales Zoo
06-18-04, 11:11 PM
Well, let me say this is the best reptile breeding year I've witnessed in the last 14 years in Canada.

Blackheads, Argentines, Fancy ball pythons, Boelene eggs, Boa morphs, Brandon's 5 species of dwarf monitor's, and just so much more - I mean, who'd have thunk it. Per Capita, I think Canada is doing the leap and bound thing - playing catch up, if you will.

I'd like to make a "Go Canada!" part on my webpage, and all of you who've been producing amazing snakes are encouraged to send me a picture - so I can make page to showcase what has been produced up here in snow. Anything from the last couple of years - the breeders name and info would be displayed with the picture.

It would be nice to visit one place, and see all the pretty snakes, and who bred them - I've got the bandwidth, I'd like the chance to make it.

Email the pictures an pertenant info to scaleszoo@sasktel.net


Scales Zoo
06-18-04, 11:17 PM
I'm thinking about all the species I didnt' mention like scrub pythons or schneiders skinks. I meant no offense in all the morphs and species I neglected to mention - so just show your stuff and send me your pictures.



beth wallbank
06-18-04, 11:29 PM
Great idea Ryan and Shiela. Cant wait to see whos got what.

Jungle Jen
06-19-04, 01:11 AM
Awesome idea, I can't wait to see the site once it's up.

06-19-04, 11:51 AM
I'm glad that I got into the reptile community when I did. The choices we have in Canada both for interesting pets or future breeders, is just staggering. I can't wait to see some of the stuff that I don't know about yet, because I'm sure people have a few secrets they are keeping....

06-19-04, 09:43 PM
That's a great idea and rest assured that when I hatch out any of my babies, I'll send you a pic.