View Full Version : Ribbon update...

06-18-04, 06:38 PM
I thought 7 babies was a pretty low number for the species...

I took the female out today for some sun, and noticed a tail haning from her vent.. So, I slowly eased it out, and two dead babies came out. They were wrapped in a ball, so I figure they got stuck coming out. I'm hoping there aren't any more in there, as these two looked pretty bad. (almost starting to rot...)

I was going to get pics but the camera I borrowed only holds so many, so I figured live babies would be better to look at then dead ones. :(

But the rest of them are doing well, on a better note. The guppies I'm putting in there seem to be dissapearing, so unless I'm just a really bad looker, they're being eaten. I was going to try some nightcrawlers as Vanan suggested, but I can't find the darn bait shop! I know there's one somewhere up here.

Hopefully those were all the babies. The count is now 7 live ones and 2 dead. The girl is eating like a pig as she always does, and ate a rat fuzzy yesterday. She usually gets fish, but I wanted to put some weight back on her. She's actually looking really well, didn't lose much at all!

The pics are coming soon, I swear! :D


06-18-04, 06:53 PM
just catch your own nighcrawlers.. Water your lawn during the day (a little closer to nightfall) once its pretty dark, go out with a flashlight and shine it through the grass, you'll have no problems SEEING them, the tricky part is catching them :D You have to be quick, and grab them from where they're entering their hole..

06-21-04, 01:20 PM
No pictures yet - can hardly wait to see these little guys! Hope the live ones and Mom and continuing to do well,

mary v.