View Full Version : Varanid Madness!

06-17-04, 07:20 PM
I just thought I'd share a few pics of our recent hatchlings.
Hope you enjoy!

You can find a few more pics on our website, which was recently updated.

Brandon & Stephanie

Black-headed monitors
Kimberly Rock monitors
Red ackies
Yellow Ackies

06-17-04, 07:37 PM
Awesome! Congrats! I would buy them all but have not enough money right now!


06-17-04, 07:39 PM
WOW! ive never even heard of some of those..how big do the rock monitors or black heads get?

And whats the diff between yellow's and red's..just color?

Congrats, thats some great work you've accomplished

Scales Zoo
06-17-04, 08:28 PM
I just saw your page the other day, also saw some storri babies.

You are the man! It's nice to see more c.b monitors being produced in Canada, you've done very well.

I'd love to keep all those species, the blackheads at the head of the list, followed by the kimberly rocks.


06-17-04, 10:11 PM
that kimberly is awesome looking man! those ackies are so cute

06-18-04, 08:12 AM
Thanks for the kind words.
I should have a few more suprises coming up in the fall. The Blackheads and the kimberley's max out at about 2.5-3 feet long, with 60% being all tail.
The difference between red ackies and yellow ackies are many:
1) Size (Reds are larger)
2) Egg size (red eggs are twice as big as yellow eggs)
3) Behaviour
4) Colour (just a guideline, there are lots of ugly reds, and plenty of orange yellow ackies out there)
5) Facial markings (Reds have more contrast and bolder markings in the face)
6) Ocelli (Reds have ocelli that have a small black spot in the middle of the circle)
7) Reds have bigger spines on the tail
8) The throat of a red ackie has lots of large dark patterning on it while yellows have very small faint freckling.
9) Reds are slightly more aggressive towards their keepers, but they are both still teddybears to work with.
Hope this makes sence. I've seen a few people selling yellows as reds. Also, the hatchling reds and yellows from the pictures are the same age (two days apart). I don't know if you'll be able to tell, but the hatchling reds are twice the size of the yellows.

06-18-04, 06:49 PM
Thanks Brandon,
It is REALLY NICE to see others breeding and working with such nice animals and in the North yet! Very nicely done dude...I hope you have more luck and baby Varanus....you got the disease Bad, but it is paying off in beautiful offspring for you and thats terrific!

06-20-04, 09:31 PM
I can't stop drooling.