06-16-04, 10:31 PM
I was wondering if anyone knows how long it takes for a female three toed box to lay eggs after its encounter with a male. She is pregant for sure. She has all the symptoms (cant close rear shell, soaking, weight gain) and i can even feel the eggs. She is about a month and a week pregnant. Some sources say they lay in a month while others say a month and a half. I was curious if anyone knows for sure through experience. Any other advice and info about preperation would be greatly appreciated.
PS I have an incubator ready at 85F, and she is in a 50sq foot pen(starting today) with atleast 7 inches of topsoil.
PS I have an incubator ready at 85F, and she is in a 50sq foot pen(starting today) with atleast 7 inches of topsoil.