View Full Version : Eggs

06-16-04, 10:31 PM
I was wondering if anyone knows how long it takes for a female three toed box to lay eggs after its encounter with a male. She is pregant for sure. She has all the symptoms (cant close rear shell, soaking, weight gain) and i can even feel the eggs. She is about a month and a week pregnant. Some sources say they lay in a month while others say a month and a half. I was curious if anyone knows for sure through experience. Any other advice and info about preperation would be greatly appreciated.

PS I have an incubator ready at 85F, and she is in a 50sq foot pen(starting today) with atleast 7 inches of topsoil.

Tim and Julie B
06-19-04, 12:21 AM
HI ED! It generally takes about two months. Don't forget box turtle eggs can be temp sexed. At 85 you will get a mix. The dirt is fine she just needs to be able to dig a bit. As long as her back feet don't touch the bottom she will be happy. Make sure you seperate her from the rest of the turtles. As other ones tend to break eggs.

What kind of box turtle is it? If you have any more questions you can always PM me. TB