View Full Version : Just Curious..

06-16-04, 04:26 PM
Hey all,
I'm horrible at genetics so plz bear with me...
what would you get if u mixed like a chocolate corn with say an albino or a snow corn. Just curious wanna start breeding corns in the near future and try and get some new cool morphs( first gotta figure out the whole genetics thing).
Thx alot

06-16-04, 04:37 PM
You might have to provide more info on what you mean by a chocolate corn - chocolate is not one of the standard color morphs but could be what someone would use to describe one of the anery versions (those lacking red pigment) or possibly a 'rootbeer corn' which is an intergrade/hybrid with Great Plains ratsnakes.

There is a lot known about cornsnake genetics and many of us willing to chat further about that. If you have a photo of the chocolate colored one, that might help to sort it out too,

mary v.

06-16-04, 04:42 PM
opps nm i saw it in the cornsnake manual but it turned out it was a great plains ratsnake and i just didn;t read it clearly:S:S sry should of been more careful. In that case i was just curious is there any point of going into the market with just corns these days do to the high competition rate? I love corns theyd have to be my fav snake and id love to work just with them but i'm just not sure if id make any profit with all the really good experniced breeders out there. Just curious what you guys think

06-16-04, 05:39 PM
If you like the species and are seriously interested in working with them, then go for it, worry about profit when that time comes, I look at any profit as a bonus it’s the thrill of keeping my collection that I enjoy.


06-16-04, 07:31 PM
lol very true but try telling that to my mom. I personaly wouldn;t care if i made nill off of breeding corns i just wanna work with them and learn lots of new things about them and maybe discover a new morph but my mom wants me to stop spending all my money on my herps and start saving for collage and clothes or something for me. She dosen;t seem to be able to accept my herps are the only thing i really care about. I'm very happy she's allowed me to have the snakes that i have the pleasure of owning. So please don't think i'm some whinny little brat who always wants more. I'm extreamly grateful for my herps I just wish I could make her understand there the world for me and breeding snakes or studying them in the field is the only thing I ever plan on doing later on, even if i only have enough to get by and never own a huge house. Does anyone have any ideas about how i can explain to her that they mean the world to me and to let me get more corns for my breeding projects? Thx sorry that was kinda long

06-16-04, 07:54 PM
i would just try telling her exactly what you said here, if you havent already.

06-16-04, 09:09 PM
I've tried but she still says that I have to look at the bigger picture and start saving rather than spending everything on the herps( which i don't just once in ahwile when bulbs short out and so on).
*sigh* i guess parents will never change lol. Thx though kidchameleon guess i'll just keep trying.

06-16-04, 09:32 PM
Well I am not sure how old you are but school is important.

As for kleeping corns and making a profit, i think corns are a great profit maker.

You can pick them up for a really good price...

They breed super easy with little effort....

They have good clutch sizes..

& they are super easy to move.

I love keeping higher end snakes but I will never give up my corns.

Also with the number of corns being bred and all the different morphs out there you have lots of options to start with and even more to get in later dates.

I think its near impossible to loose money on any reptile breeding project as no matter what the initial investment of the project, aslong as the animals are in good health they will breed for many years to come.

So with that said get corns and more corns and have a great/fun time breeding them and getting more up and coming herpers into them :)

06-17-04, 06:21 AM
if you have a job, start paying "rent" for your room or the animals (like say 100$ a month or more)

And make a "contract" that says you will keep your GPA at a specific point, and if it drops below it then you can't spend any more money on snakes (other than food light bulbs, if you need a UTH, or cage up grade).......Talk "responsibly" draw up a professional looking contract. Some parents get so impressed that you put some much thought, and maturity into it that they let you do what ever it is your asking.
Just an idea, but goodluck!

how they mean the world to you. Find out something that means the world to your mother (besides you, lol) and tell her "well that is exactly how I feel about my snakes, and it is what I want to do with my life."

Besides, why not go to college and become a reptile specialist vet (could always use more of those), or working with breeding projects that are trying to save endangered snakes.


06-17-04, 10:10 AM
Thx for the help everyone, I would become a vet but I usually pass out at the site of blood:S lol so i really just wanna be a herpterologist or work at a zoo or something and do the breeding of endangered snakes thing and then breed corns on the side for fun. I'd pay rent but beeing only 14( i could work at a grocery store but i'm just gonna wait until next year and work at a pet store and make sure they give good care to the herps and you get discounts on reptile stuff so it works out both ways) i don't have a job yet but will next year. One other major reason was that she wanted me to save for university instead of buying lots of corns so i tried telling her that in the end the corns will pay off much more than what I could ever save so know shes says maybe :D oh ya i went to the pet store yesterday to pick up some rats and was looking at the reptiles briefly when i saw a sign that said they had black corns for sale( they were all sold out though) is that even possible as far as i;ve heard no menalistic form of a corn exisits except for that rootbeer hybrid someone mentioned early, do u think its possible that they are actually menalsitic corns? I'm going to night to check them out and I will describe them to you guys after.

06-17-04, 11:54 AM
maybe they mean the anery (I think thats it) corns, they are black with grey when little (never seen an adult) and see them sold as black corns?

06-17-04, 12:06 PM
Most corns sold as black corns are anery A. There is considerable difference in the results of breeding amels or snow corns with an anery corn vs. a great plains ratsnake or rootbeer corn, so it would be important to distingish them. They can look similiar as some anery corns can have some brown color in their basic black/white pattern. Because great plains ratsnakes and rootbeers are hybrids, many people do not want to mix these bloodlines with pure corns.

Either way, breeding corns is relatively easy, a lot of fun and very rewarding to work with color varieties and genetics. It does carry the responsibility of dealing with the offspring and while corns are quite easy to sell, you have to be prepared to keep and house as many as a dozen or more hatchlings until they are sold. You need to keep any that are non-feeders and deal with force-feeding, brumation and perhaps euthanizing those that never do start feeding. This can be a 6 month committment before they are ready to be sold. Just make sure you do a lot of research before you actually breed so you know what you are getting in for. It isn't all easy money.

mary v.