View Full Version : Making the right choice

06-15-04, 10:16 PM
I was able to smooth talk the situation about the collection along quite well. I think that I may even be keeping the poss het female now... funny how things can turn around quite quickly. Last night I was in a panic and perhaps spoke too soon. Everything is back to good and now I am able to focus my attention back to where it belongs: ALBINO BOAS!!!

I've got some new great shots posted here (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=46557) in the photography forum of the albino right after he shed while he's doin some climbing!

Heres a quick shot of his eye too, you gotta love albino eyes!!!


06-15-04, 10:18 PM
whoa, kinda looks like a philips screwdriver head!

06-15-04, 10:48 PM
Heh, I just read the other thread and was going to suggest you take preorders, with payment in advance on the offspring (with a discount to make it worth people's while of course). Seems like you don't need to anymore, but just an idea to throw out there.

06-16-04, 01:10 AM
While it may seem like a good idea, per-orders ONLY work if you have eggs incubating. Do NOT take pre-orders that far in advance. You are going to get screwed over and so are the people that fronted you money (no one will front you money by the way). It will create a sense of urgency and pressure that should not be there from an enjoyable hobby.

Just my humble opinion.


06-16-04, 01:19 AM
I dont like the idea at all. As nice as it would be, what if nothing comes of them and you spent the money in anticipation?

Also, with boas there is NO way to know how many you have on the way, that actually kinda scares me as I need to figure out my hatchling racks when the time comes and dont know how many to have available! First up will be the BRBs

06-16-04, 01:20 AM
I am not so put off by a waiting list. who doesnt want people waiting to purchase their animals? I would never advertise one, but I would definitely consider giving priority to those who inquire in advance and continually check back...