View Full Version : Money is evil

06-15-04, 12:02 AM
What a rotten day. I have been adding to my collection and getting some quite nice specimens, when I find out that I need to shift my priorities. I will no longer be able be able to keep all of my snakes, and I'll be lucky if I can at least keep the pair of JCP.

I have very mixed feelings as I know that the snakes are in no way attached to me, yet I will miss them dearly. Has anyone else had to cut back on their collections greatly? How did you deal with it?

Anyways, the albino production that I just began to invest in will now have to be up for grabs, as well as my BRB pair that I was looking forward to breeding this season. Sometimes you just can't win.

If anyone knows of someone who could provide a good home to any of my animals, please pm or email me ASAP. Thanks for any kind words or support, and have a good day,
Brent Strande

06-15-04, 12:26 AM
Your sure you can't at least stick one project out to the end? The money you get from ONE breeding will be 100x more than you will ever get from selling the adults. By selling the adults, you will only get your INITIAL investment back, IF you're lucky. When you breed a pair of snakes, you produce like 20-30 more, PLUS you still have the adults to sell, which now become a PROVEN pair.

Best of luck man. I'd hope you can at least hang on to one project. I know how hard you've worked for your stuff, and how pumped you have been when you got each piece of each project. Cheers. :)

06-15-04, 01:02 AM
I'm trying to figure out a way to keep the albinos, but I would most likely have to give up the jcps and I dont think that I could do it

I did hold off on ads other than the BRBs and I was planning on keeping them until after breeding and then selling them but don't know if I can hold out that long.

I really would rather not let any of them go, but I am torn. As a good friend told me, "I'd better sleep on it another night" but the problem is that 'sleeping on it' has already caused many sleepless nights :(

Things usually find a way to work themselves out...

06-15-04, 01:19 AM
Let us know how it works out man. Your best bet is to hang on to the animals that will be ready to breed the fastest (ie. the adults). That will byu you way more time than raising babies that won't make you a dime for 2-3 years.

06-15-04, 01:52 AM
I may have found an option, but it is very risky. If I keep them, I risk losing someone very important in my life. I am trying to find the balance that will allow me to keep both.

Arghhh, why can't life be fun and easy all the time like in the movies? Instead its only fun when a new snake arrives... hehe

I guess that it's all about takin chances, and its my turn to spin the wheel...

06-15-04, 02:22 AM
One word of advice, do NOT give up your reptiles for a girl (if that's what it is). BIG mistake. Anyone that tries to change you will NOT be a joy to be with for very long, let alone the rest of your life.

06-15-04, 04:07 AM
11000029308% agree with Jeff on this one.

06-15-04, 04:43 AM
I have to agree with Jeff on this one, selling your animals is no way to make money. Even if you do get what you paid on the animals you don't get back the money you've spent on them since you got them.

Liquidating assets should only ever be done in a situation where you've run out of options as far as borrowing money or just riding out being broke for a while. If you need to eat today and have no other way of buying groceries that's when you sell something to get by but other than that it amounts to throwing money away when you consider the investment value of the animals in question.

I've been in enough financial trouble to have the same thoughts that you're having but I've always, somehow, managed to hang on to my animals. Hopefully you'll work it out and get to keep your collection and breed it out.

06-15-04, 04:53 AM
Well said Mousekilla. Very well said.

06-15-04, 08:20 AM

I am sorry if this is harsh, but don't get rid of your snakes for a girl, It really isn't worth it!
Think about it.

First it's, get rid of the snakes or me,
then it's, your not going out with the boys any more, or i'm going to mothers.
Then its, it's straight home from work, got it!

basicly it is a sign of control issues. And if someone issues you a "get rid of/leave/don't do/ (insert activity or hobby here) or we are done!" doesn't really love you, or they wouldn't issue the command in the first place.

I know it's hard, becuase I was told by my ex that if I ever got any snakes she would leave me, (Not the reason we aren't together), but it was one of the smaller reasons.

Anyone that starts dating you, dates you as you are, not as they want you to be.

I am sorry for rambling, people like that just really get to me. Don't get rid of your snakes. If you get rid of them now for this person, they will never let you have another pair. Look not only at them as your pets and potential projects, but look at the money you've invested in the animal themselves, the cages, heating, feeding, water.......thats alot to just "throw away" because someone else don't like them.

06-15-04, 08:21 AM
That has ALWAYS been the first question when im out with a girl that im starting to like, "do you like snakes?" if she gives me one of those:

"we were fishing in washington DC and this water mokosan blah blah blah we killed it blah blah blah"

or something to that effect, im apt to leave

06-15-04, 08:47 AM
Hey jjnnbns,
I know i'm just going to repeat everything everyone else just said but I really feel that it is important. If this person that you might lose is your gf, think about the perdicament she is putting you in. "it's either me or those reptiles"? She really has no right to try and dictate what youdo as a hobby.( In general)
Trust when I say this.... SHE IS TOTALLY REPLACEABLE. (you can show her my comment too by the way, :) ) My gf has no interests in my snakes but accepts them (reluctantly) because she accepts me for who I am.(I think it's part of the whole love thing). If you end up selling off your reptiles to make her happy...... you will regret it


06-15-04, 09:13 AM
The thing is, its not the snakes, its the money going into them. Thats why I said money is evil. I am honestly down to my last dime, and that scares me quite a bit, her even more. Also, we were together before I owned a single reptile. Then I persuaded here into putting up with a corn snake. Now I've got thousands tied up in the snakes yet tell her about how I can't afford this or that... it is pretty hypocritical.

She actually does not really want me to get rid of the snakes (she doesn't like them, but also doesn't mind them) but instead she would rather I fix some spending problems. Thats what the issue is, and she said it herself, if I sell them now she is afraid that I will end up resenting her for it. I may, but I also do need to realize that as much of an investment as they can be, I also need to hold off sometimes.

Everyone on here is great, and I think very highly of everyone, so thanks for the support! Don't worry, it has never been "me or the snakes", but instead "being responsible with money" but if it ever changes I will not put up with it. Hopefully it'll change if I can get some little finger biters to pop out and help recover some of what I've put into this!

06-15-04, 09:23 AM
Just keep the snakes. Personally I would start breeding rats with as many as you have (will have) and don't get any more snakes! lol

06-15-04, 09:40 AM
ya well now that you've explained the situation a bit, which i was waiting for before i jump on the sankes before a woman bandwagon, here's my2 cents. Do what you can to make a go of it with the snakes but your girl is right to be a little nervous its not the situation she signed up for. snakes are like crack and can be very addictive. Moneys not evil you've just been a little irresponsable with it. Just make what ever decision is best for you. In the grand sceme of things we cant really tell you what that is.


06-15-04, 09:47 AM
Thanks Derrick. Thats exactly true, and I was definitely trying to avoid to woman hating bandwagon as it isn't about the woman and my snakes. It's her worried about a future with a guy who spends money on snakes. I think that I'm gonna get it all straightened out though.

Sapphire, we have a rat colony that was started before easter but nothing came of it yet. We were told that it may be a dud male since neither female took, so the shop traded our male for a proven breeder male rat of theirs. This was two days ago, so I will have to wait it out again... Breeding rats would DEFINITELY save some dough!

06-15-04, 10:17 AM
Hey Brent, just wanted to say I'm sorry you are going through this :( If you were Canadian I'd definately try to help you out. ( I'm a sucker for a gorgeous animal :) ) I definately understand on the $ situation, I am forever saying I can't afford this or that, but somehow always seem to afford reptile related stuff :(

06-15-04, 10:45 AM
Hey Brent, just remember... there will always be more money. So you're down to the last dime... big deal. Ride it out for a while. Remember, eventually those snakes pay YOU back. Best of luck man.

06-15-04, 10:49 AM
Sit down and do the math on selling a pair of albinos versus breeding that pair and getting 20 babies and WHOLESALING all of them for $700 each. You would think yourself insane for thinking that the better money is to sell the pair!! LOL!

And am I psychic or what? ;)

06-15-04, 11:47 AM
I'm glad that you cleared up teh issue of money, but honestly, I think you should ride it out

you are a hard worker and have been before....remember when you were selling meat and working hard

there's money out there, and like I said, 100% of your wages pays off your albino in 6 weeks, meaning, you could realistically pay it off in 6 months if you wanted and still have money for other things

I think yoiu should trim the fat, get rid of the extras that you don't need, and keep your pairs and the albino...sell your het, we've still got mine, hell, I'll sell my 66% and get your 100% so we'll still have 2 100% females....there are several aceptable solutions here, but this albino will put you in the black (in 3 years) but that is really not that long if you think about it

06-15-04, 10:19 PM
Heres some good news!!! (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=356785#post356785)