View Full Version : Chameleons at the expo

06-13-04, 06:23 PM
Wow i was amazed to see how many different chameleons they have. Everytime i go theres something new! I saw some melliers, Jacksons, Panthers, Sengals, and mossy leaf chameleon. There was much of at this expo though, less jacksons and leaf chameleons. But i was suprised how big the melliers were! they were sold pretty quick.....not suprised they were at $250.00! pretty cheap imo. Well i enjoyed the show i hope to go again:) lots of fun, *should have taken some pics! i keep forgetting, i got distracted*


06-13-04, 07:01 PM
250 for mellers? that's cheap? ive seen them at shows near me for much much cheaper. i saw one for 85$ and another for 125$

06-13-04, 07:07 PM
The mellers were pretty big, i'm guessing around 2 feet or possibly bigger in length so i tink 250 would be a reasonable price imo for a mellers that big.

06-13-04, 07:08 PM
85 to 125 whoa thats pretty low lol. How much are Panthers up there?


06-13-04, 07:10 PM
From what i understand and was told by some people at the show, that the mellers were wc and had parasites and if you didnt treat it correctly they were finished..this is just what i heard..dont hold anything against me :p

06-13-04, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by meow_mix450
85 to 125 whoa thats pretty low lol. How much are Panthers up there?

Meow well, what kind exactly? ive seen baby nosy be's for $225, and adults for $300-350. baby ambanjas for $200, juveniles $250-300. adult diego suarez(probably spelt that wrong) for $285. unfortunately, ive never seen any ambilobes though.

06-13-04, 08:20 PM
Kidchameleon:Whoa thats expensive. Here for a baby panther is around 140-160 adults range from 200-300. I guess there all different prices everywhere. The one i saw i thought was parson(sp) but people are telling me melliers(sp) so i guess there melliers

Bartman: My bet was that they were WC, parasites no doubt about that, and if it was sold to an unexperienced owner they will definetly be finished, they are very hard to care for, well thats wut ive heard.

Now that i kno hoo got 2 of the 3 mellers, theres probly in good care.


06-13-04, 09:52 PM
what expo are you all talking about? the one in maryland?

06-14-04, 05:09 AM
The one in Toronto.

06-14-04, 10:07 AM
The WC Mellers were very big but they are usually very infested and dont take well to the change, they are extreemly hard to keep specially WC, I picked up a little werneri hehe she is cute as a bug, but she isent mine picked it up for a friend but im baby sittin she is soo amazing. Those Sennegals were nice too lookes like they are being hosed togeather though lots of marks on there bodies but good price any way lol,

Drew S
06-14-04, 11:02 AM
The 2 Mellers went to me, lol.

I took one before the show even started, and then grabbed the second shortly after.

I spent over an hour talking to the man and wife who were selling them for PCPC (Grants parents, hehehe, they took the 3rd), and we all agreed that they were the best looking imported Mellers we'd ever seen.

We're hoping that the two we took are a pair, but there is no way to be sure. The best guess we could make was that there were 2 females and 1 male, but sexing them is impossible.

But rest assured, they will get the best possible care with us :)

06-14-04, 03:40 PM
Melleri are actually referred to by many as the 90 day chameleon. This is because any cham that will die, do within 90 days in captive care. This usually only refers to wild caught specimens however. If anybody would like an article on how to acclimatise them, just let me know via e-mail at vipervenom_8@hotmail.com.

06-14-04, 05:16 PM
haha that might change, good luck with them Drew S keep us updated i would love to see how there doing in your care.

Collide: Ya they got a nice pair of sengals, a very good price, i wanted to take them off the guys hand but no money:(

o.k there was a pair of panthers up on the stage did anyone get to see them?Can someone tell me what speices that is, and was the female gravid??? It looked like she was but that couldve been me.
