View Full Version : im in the colubridae family now :)

06-13-04, 04:03 PM
Well today at the show i picked up 2 baby corn snakes! I traded jeff hatheway my sand boa for them, and so far their doing great. I got a snow and a amel for an extra 10 on top of the kenyan! im really excited for them to breed when their older. what would i get from the two of those? The snow is extremely calm, but the female amel is a speedy one:)

06-13-04, 06:13 PM
Wow, ive never seen something like this.

I tried feeding the two, just for the sake of seeing if they'd eat now. The snow ate 2 seconds after i put the mouse infront of him...this was an hour after the show ended! The second one decided not to eat, but thats what i expected as she is a lot more skittish, so most likely extremely stressed...but wow! i couldnt believe it ate so quickly!

I wanna thank jeff SOOO much for these two amazing animals...they're perfect!

06-13-04, 06:21 PM
they're... they're perfect.

Sorry, pet peeve of mine, haha

06-13-04, 06:23 PM
Congrats on the new corn hatchlings. Breeding an amel to a snow will produce all amels het for anery A.

If the amel is het for anery A, then you would get half snows and half amel het for anery A.

mary v.

06-13-04, 06:27 PM
Wow, sounds like their are TONS of corn morphs..lol..thanks!

:( so i wont get any snows...i believe she told me that their all het for something they just never know because most of their adult corns are kept together so they breed to different morphs all the time...who knows :p

06-14-04, 06:25 PM
Congratulations on your new additions! Corn snakes are fun to work with. :)