View Full Version : Golden Tegu

06-13-04, 12:23 AM
My local pet store has a tegu they are marketing as a golden tegu. What species would it be? I haven't been able to find any info on it.

Thanks, Mark

Tim and Julie B
06-13-04, 01:05 AM
I believe the Latin name is Tupinambis teguixin. But I could be wrong. They are flighty and quick to bite and they bite hard. Interesting species to keep though. I enjoy mine. TB

06-13-04, 01:34 AM
thanks alot. would they be closer to the columbian or the argentinian in requirements/ diet?

06-13-04, 01:49 AM
Do not know too much about these guys except that if you have them out you should watch your ankles. A buddy of mine had two Golden Tegus and he would let them out in the house for a bit of exercise, and they'd chase him around trying to bite his feet lol, it was quite the sight!

Tim and Julie B
06-13-04, 02:07 AM
Well there is not much they won't eat. Eggs, insects, rodents, fruit baby food (non sweetened). They enjoy a basking light at one end of the tank and a goodsized water dish. A good hide and branches to climb and they're happy.

06-13-04, 02:35 AM
considering getting one and I an doing the requisite research before hand. latin name is "Tupinambis nigropunctatus" care seems reasonably straight forward.