View Full Version : Green Tree Monitor or Peach Throat Monitor

06-12-04, 06:58 PM
I am considering a Green Tree Monitor (Varanus prasinus) or a Peach Throat Monitor (Varanus jobiensis).

I have never taken care of monitors, or any other reptile before. I have done a lot of research and am wondering which one would be better, where to buy one in the GTA, and what the cost is.

These are the two sites where I have gotten information from :


06-12-04, 07:15 PM
You would be lucky if you found a prasinus in Canada. I dont think they're even up here yet... But when you choose a monitor, they're all individuals, choose what suits you and your life style the best.. They're alot of work choose cautiously.

06-12-04, 10:22 PM
From what I understand, tree monitors are the hardest monitors to keep. If you want more info from an experienced keeper go to


06-12-04, 11:38 PM
If you can handle it, id go with the green tree monitor...deffinetly, imo, the most beautiful lizard! I have no info on them, so i couldnt tell you if their hard to keep, but if you are up to the challenge, i would forsure get the green tree..they are just amazing!

06-13-04, 12:40 AM
both are bad choices for a first time monitor. Get a captive bred species to start with, something that's going to be easier to look after. Get an acanthurus or flavirufus. When you've had some experience with monitors, then look into some of the Indonesian species, hopefully when you've had enough experience so that you could at least to attempt to breed them. .

06-14-04, 03:51 PM
I have found out that there aren't any prasinus breeders in North America.

Originally posted by crocdoc
both are bad choices for a first time monitor. Get a captive bred species to start with, something that's going to be easier to look after. Get an acanthurus or flavirufus. When you've had some experience with monitors, then look into some of the Indonesian species, hopefully when you've had enough experience so that you could at least to attempt to breed them. .
Thanks crocdoc, I'll take your advice and start with something like an Ackie.

Thanks for the replies,

06-14-04, 04:11 PM
Good Choice!


06-14-04, 06:36 PM
Try two or three ackies.

06-14-04, 09:06 PM
I whole heartedely agree with DK on this - these two species are NOT for amateur vara-keepers - not to dis you what-so-ever, but these two species do not do well even for very epxerienced keepers who specialize in these species....they deserve and need very specific habitat requirements, diet and humidity not to mention micro-habitat in captivity....and are high $$ animals to boot....yes, they are pretty and unique but you would be doing yourself a disservice in getting them...try a savanna or V. acanthurus for start and after you get some experience with varanids, then maybe go for the exotic unique types...most prasinus complex types begin at $150 -> $1200 and there are usually NO refunds either!
good luck,