View Full Version : Terminology

06-12-04, 10:38 AM
Is there a place on the web that I can find herp terminology? How about the number system that I see before a snake when one is for sale? What do the numbers stand for? Thanks

06-12-04, 10:49 AM
The numbers stand for the sex. It goes: male.female.unsexed

For example 1.1 means 1 male and 1 female
1.0 means 1 male
0.2 means 2 female

Not sure what terminology you're looking for, but here are a couple of acronyms that I use:

F/T - frozen thawed (prey items)
F/K - fresh killed, killing or stunning right before feeding.
het - means heterozygous for a trait (carries a recessive trait that is not showing, albino for example.)

there are also nicknames for many species, I keep JCPs (jungle carpet pythons), BRBs (brazilian rainbow boas), and BCI (boa constrictor imperator)

There are many more, I believe that Amazon tree boas are often referred to as "ammies"

Basiccally just browse through the forums and when you see something that you have a question on, just ask. That's why we're all here, to help each other out!

Good luck,
Brent Strande

06-12-04, 12:58 PM
Welcome to the site BTW.

06-12-04, 01:04 PM
Good call Mykee,

Welcome to the ssite!

06-12-04, 05:40 PM

06-12-04, 10:01 PM
Welcome to the forum

06-13-04, 08:32 PM
Thanks for all the help...just getting into snakes now. I've had a few that I'd caught in the wild, but nevery anything big.

06-13-04, 09:05 PM
Welcome to ssnakess!!!

06-13-04, 09:08 PM
I've got that info and more on my FAQ page. :)

Welcome to the site and enjoy your new addiction! :D

06-14-04, 08:27 AM
welcome to the site!!!

06-14-04, 04:36 PM
Welcome to sSnakeSs! :)