View Full Version : Hog+albino

06-11-04, 01:22 PM
anyone know if these have been produced and have pictures? Besides all the controvercial BS I was just thinkin it might look cool. Dont know why I was thinking about it maybe because of all the albinos popin up lately. feel fre to comment or even curse me for thinkin the thought:)

06-11-04, 07:38 PM
I'm cursing you for thinking it. The only way it would happen would be to collect an albino specimen or get really luck with the hogs you own or, make an impure mutt and pollute the hog island blood. IMO no morph is worth cross breeding for.

06-11-04, 08:44 PM
Its happened. Browse the queensnake boa forum. Them and the sunset boas. Sucks, and I wouldn't want to do it. Buts its out there.

06-11-04, 08:46 PM
Yep there are reasons that the animals dont brred together in teh wild and it should stay that way.....IMO

06-12-04, 02:41 AM
the only reason this wouldnt happen in the wild is becaus an albino would not survive long enough to make it to sexual maturity, now with that being said i personally wouldnt do it either i did this same post back in nov i think just outta curiosity.

hell i dont even like the idea of the hog ghost x but that is just me


06-12-04, 04:15 AM
the only reason this wouldnt happen in the wild is becaus an albino would not survive long enough to make it to sexual maturity,

Het albino x het albino. Hets stand just as much chance of living as normals. So if a het bred a normal nd some of those babies hung around in a "hub" long enough until maturity, then more albinos would be produced.

06-12-04, 04:47 AM
Jeff, weren't most of the albinos of the current captive species ie balls boas etc collected from the wild population? If so this would refute that they don't live to reach sexual maturity.

06-12-04, 01:58 PM
I never said that albinos didn't make it to sexual maturity. Re-read my man. I think youz gots confused. LOL!

06-12-04, 09:24 PM
I understand that and wasn't claiming you had stated they never reached sexual maturity. But the fact that albinos, and other morphs, were collected from the wild would indicate that they survive even though they would be more conspicuous by their appearence.

06-13-04, 05:10 AM
Yes, but I think you have me confused with the guy RIGHT above my thread that said

the only reason this wouldnt happen in the wild is becaus an albino would not survive long enough to make it to sexual maturity, now with that being said i personally wouldnt do it either i did this same post back in nov i think just outta curiosity.

That would be boaddict. I fully agree that albinos exist and reproduce and stuff. I never said that they didn't. I was just giving him an example whereby even if the albino gene was semi-lethal, being single recessive allows it to EASILY continue on in the gene pool.

06-13-04, 05:13 AM
I was agreeing with your post and using the collection of wild specimens as further proof.

06-13-04, 12:56 PM
a het albino can survive to sexual maturity i never said it couldnt
i said albinos have a very slim chance of surviving to sexual maturity

you say the albino stock was collected from wild , and yes they are , they are taken as babies and hence they dont last in the wild .

that is all im saying

06-13-04, 02:02 PM
Yeah, I agree with both you guys. Albinos are definitely at a disadvantage. For sure. But they are collected as adults. I think the Ball Python was, same with the Burmese. The corn snake was an adult, and I'm pretty sure the water and nile monitors were as well.

The two Rainbows were adults when collected and so were some of the Rosies. I'm not sure about any others