View Full Version : Couple het questions....

06-10-04, 08:07 PM
Sorry im kinda new and dont really know how the het thing works.

If i had a 100% het Male , whats the chances of popping out any colors/patterns with a normal female. Do you have to prove it out with another 100% het female?

Thanx, feel free to smack me if that makes no sense...


Know of any sites that list how this works?

06-10-04, 08:35 PM
yes you need a het female for any morphs to come out. if you breed a het male with a normal female all you will get are possible hets. some will be hets, some will be normals. the only way to tell which are hets and which are normals is to keep all the females and breed them back to the father and see what you get. its a long process.

06-10-04, 11:26 PM
Check out Tim Crawill's FAQ. (http://www3.mb.sympatico.ca/~cranwill/faq22.html)

06-11-04, 06:26 AM
You can also check out Terry Dunham's great genetic page here ;
