View Full Version : Too big?

06-10-04, 06:00 PM
Hey all:),
I was just curious i have a 50 gal tank that i would like to switch my 8 month old ball python into shes about 2 feet or so. I was just wondering if a 50 gal would be to big for her? (because i rember it stresses little ones out does this rule apply until they get a certain age?)
Thx alot

06-10-04, 06:10 PM
no, still smaller is better, seems to work that way all their life. lol, I switched my 4.5ft-5ft male from a 4ft long cage to a 34inch cage and he started eating again (but is currently off feed again! lol)

06-10-04, 06:15 PM
ok thx i think i might still try though just because i only have her in a 20 gal right now and it seems a bit small for her.

06-10-04, 07:22 PM
The 'rule' doesn't apply to age, it applies to size. If you put your ball in an enclosure (and a glass one at that) that is too large, they run a very good chance of getting stressed and going off feed. This is not what you want. I would get a rubbermaid that is somewhere in between the 20 gallon size and the 50 gallon size, floor space, height is not important for balls. Though they like to climb, security is much more important to a juvenile ball. Good luck.

06-10-04, 08:04 PM
yes they do like to climb, but you have to be carefull, they aren't the most gracefull of snakes. lol :)

Many a night I layed awake listening to my snakes.....*thud* (about 2 minutes pass) *thud* (2min) *thud* (another 2 min) lol :)

and just because their tail can touch one end and their nose the other, doesn't mean the cage is to small!

06-10-04, 08:30 PM
lol i know my corn is the clumsietys thing alive i feel so bad for him because hes so determined but just can't seem to get ahold of it lol. In that case then i'll stick to the 20 for now and when shes a bit bigger i'll switch
thx alot again

06-10-04, 08:34 PM
If you do decide too go with the bigger cage, give ample hiding spots, she will feel secure this way without being limited too one or 2 hides all the time.


06-11-04, 03:16 PM
ya that would be a good idea i'll prolly give her 4 or 5 since the cage is so big especially the underground kind she loves those thx alot again

Big Mike
06-11-04, 03:43 PM
I agree with Devon. A bigger enclosure should be fine if you provide adequate hiding spots.

Snakes (balls especially) like very tight places to hide.

Give your snake a variety of hides with the proper heat gradient and leave them alone to settle into the new home.

06-11-04, 10:08 PM
sounds like a plan. I'll post some pics once i;'ve got the cage ready and shes setteled in.