View Full Version : combination lavender morph....
Ok, gotta question...
if the combinated genes lavender and amel, gives us the opal morph.
What morph do we get if we're able to combine:
1) the lavender and anery ?
2) the lavender and hypo ?
This as been done before for sure by someone, what were the result ?
If someone as pics, even better. If not, simpley the name of the morph and a breve description.
06-09-04, 10:43 AM
I believe lavender and anery A have been done a number of times and current opinion is that anery A masks teh lavender. There are some suggestions that lavender is really just another version of anery (like charcoal and caramel may be) and not a separate gene locus.
The hypo lavs are being worked with a lot by the high end breeders in the US and the major complication there is the number of incompatable hypo genes that are currently in corns - there appear to be at least 4 distinct hypos (when one line is bred to another you get normals het for both - like the different anery versions).
Don't believe anyone in Canada has produced hypo lavs or anery lavs yet. Would be worth checking out Rich's site on corns - as there is lots of discussion on these morphs and plenty of photos there.
Simon may be able to add more detail -
mary v.
Okay these has been tested and results were all known already.
So to answer your questions:
1) lavender homo anery would lead to anery this is because the anery genes would mask the lavender gene. Therefore anerys would show up in your F2 combination. F1s would be normal het lavender and anery
2) lavander homo hypo would be hypo lavenders (lol...not much of a surprise right?) These are really pretty animals~~ I don't have any photos of them yet but I can tell you and you can mark my words on these, that these are definitely one of the best looking corn morphs out there~~ With pinkish tone on a lavender background~ simpliy amazing!!
Mary and I just posted at the same I didn't see her great post before I posted mine...LOL
oh well~~
thanks guys !
I once saw a "blue" cornsnake... Stav was selling those last year.
does any body know what combination that was ?? if it is a combination.
06-09-04, 11:21 AM
Cool subject for me as I have lavender x amel eggs due to hatch in two weeks and I have a pair of normals that were from a lavender x hypo motley pairing. I can't wait till they mature.
Would you be offended if I called you a lucky ******* ??? :)
I just purchased a pair of het lavenders that are also het anery and most probably het hypo also..
But I'll have to wait for next year to find out more they're not ready to breed yet. So can't wait to see what your litter will look like.
06-09-04, 02:21 PM
Not at all. Can you imagine a hypo lavender motley? I can. Won't have to imagine for long either HA HA HA!
Can't wait,
Oh there is the hypo lavender motley and hypo lavender striped already~~
those are going for $1500-$2000US each if I remember correctly~~
I can't wait until I get my hands on those~~!!
Oh about the blue cornsnake. Well right now since we're finding out that there are basically at least 4 maybe 5 different hypo genes, I guess it's one of those hypo anery (ghost) corn snakes~
Like the ones that I have right now are Ice Ghosts. Those are Lava (Hypo type C) with anery. They look kind of bluish too.
I might be bringing one of those to the show this coming weekend just to show how one of those looks like in real life cause pictures don't do those beauties ANY JUSTICE!!!
06-09-04, 05:45 PM
Oh I knew they were out there but I still haven't seen one.
Man corns are getting too crazy!
yeah talk about crazy..
I am expecting some more this coming year.
I would love to get an ultra lavender or ultra amber or ultra ghost.....oh those genetics are crazy! LOL
But I love it!!
06-10-04, 12:23 PM
You know what I can't wait for? Bloodred Lavenders! What an incredible snake that would be...
They have that already too~~ LOL
what I can't wait is the Ultra Lavender Bloodred or Lava Lavender Bloodred~
Those would be awesome~
Oh more..
opal bloodred (which I am working on right now)
there are just tons more projects out there~!!
06-10-04, 09:47 PM
That steh great thing about corns the projects are almost endless, with new morphs popin up all the time it keeps the corn breeders something to look forward to in the future.
And depending on were you get them who knows what kind of genes they carry.
When I bought my snow I raised them up and bred them (back in '99), when the eggs hatched I got a good mix of babies(albinos, normals, snow and a few that just looked odd) so sometimes it just comes down to the mystery clutch lol.
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