View Full Version : new one eyed rescue gets second chance

beth wallbank
06-08-04, 03:25 PM
Just wanted to share my one eyed miracle. He came into an animal clinic, all chewed up by an animal, holes everywhere, torn leg, and missing an eye. Well, after several hundreds of $$ later, and the nastiest of sliders I have seen, this little guy has settled in nicely into the family, and really enjoys his new summer home.
We have named this little guy Patch, and it sure fits him. Hope you enjoy.


06-08-04, 06:12 PM
I had a rescue too, pretty bad *** injuries..both back legs were just 2 stumps! I felt so bad for him so i took him in and then gave him to a friend..hes in good care now :D

Good luck with that little guy, and great for giving him a second chance at life!

06-09-04, 11:22 AM
That's great he found a second chance in life :)

Tim and Julie B
06-19-04, 12:24 AM
Haha Beth you always take in strays. Good for you! I love turtles. Sliders are characters for sure!

06-19-04, 02:40 AM
Glad to see he has a new chance at life 2 thumbs up for you
