View Full Version : What's in YOUR boa collection???
Just curious what boas everyone is working with...
I myself have:
1.2 Albino's
3.2 Het Albino
0.1 Anery (picking her up at the show :D)
2.2 Colombian's
1.1 Hog Isles
1.1 "San Andres"
1.2 Guatemalan's
1.1 Bolivian's
and hopefully lots more to come. So whatcha got???
how do you follow that collection???
2.5 Colombians (0.1 Het Albino)
1.2.4 Dumerils
1.1 Cay Caulkers
0.1 Hog Isle
And more to come soon, very soon.. :D
06-07-04, 10:37 PM
Hmmm... mine is going to look even more pathetic next to that :p
1.1 Brazilian Rainbows
1.0 Dumerils
Hopefully soon to get another dum, a pair of hog isles, and possibly a pair of bci's and/or bcc's :) Whenever the money shows up... lol...
06-08-04, 09:41 AM
0.1 albino bci
1.2 normal bci
1.0 anery bci
1.1 hog island boas
1.0 salmon boa (on the way)
0.1 100% anery boa.
Thats it for now :)
0.1 Hog Island Boa
0.1 Dumeril's Boa
0.1 Brazilian Rainbow Boa
I'm more into lizards. :)
1.1 Colombian
1.0 Hog Isle
1.1 Colombian (1.0 het for albino)
0.1 Anery (possible het for snow)
Hopefully soon to get a pair of hog isles.
06-08-04, 10:35 AM
1.1 Sonoran Desert Boas
1.0 Columbian Boa
1.1 Amazon Tree Boas
06-08-04, 10:56 AM
1.1 Brazilian Rainbow Boa
1.0 Albino BCI
0.1 het albino BCI (hopefully in the next week or two!)
0.0.1 Paternless Red Phase Amazon Tree Boa
0.1 Emerald Tree Boa
0.0.1 Kenyan Sand Boa
06-08-04, 12:00 PM
well, are you ready for my HUGE boa collection? ok, don't faint......
I have
ain't ya overwhelmed with that one ;)
06-08-04, 01:21 PM
1.1 Colombian Boas (Male is Hip's)
2.2 Hog Island Boas (sorry guys they're all Hogs, not San Andres.)
1.1 Brazilian RainBow Boas
1.0 Bai of La Mid-Baja Rosy Boa
1.1 Desert Rosy Boas
1.1 Anery Kenyan Sand Boas
1.1 Nuclear Kenyan Sand Boas
1.1 Amazon Tree Boas
More to come in the fall.
06-08-04, 03:44 PM
Kenyans 2.1 (NUCLEAR)
Yellow Anaconda
06-08-04, 03:51 PM
1.1 BCI
0.1 ATB
0.1 ETB
1.2 BRB
1.0 Nuk KSB
0.1 Anery KSB
0.2 KSB
*BTW... looking for a sub adult 1.0 coloured ATB
06-08-04, 08:57 PM
1 Sand Boa
1 Common boa.
That's enough for me.
06-08-04, 08:59 PM
Heres whatwe currently have. Collection is always growing.
1.1 Kenyans sand boas
1.0 Amazon tree boa
1.1 Circle back boas
1.1 Het albino boas
1.2 Columbian boas
1.0 Viper boa
1.2 Columbian rainbow boas
1.1 yellow anacondas
0.1 Green anaconda
Scotty & Les
06-09-04, 10:01 PM
2.8 Hog Island Boas
6.16 Brazilian Rainbow Boas (120+ babies on the way)
2.8 100% het albino Boas
1.2 albino boas
2.2 Dumeril's Boas
2.6 Colombian Rainbow Boas
That's it for the Boas. Used to have Rosies, Kenyans, Argentines, lots of BIG common boas, and a few LARGE Surinames.
Boas ROCK! Keep on truckin' fellow Boa fanatics!!!!
06-10-04, 12:14 PM
whoops hafta add to mine already
1.1 Brazilian Rainbow boas
1.0 Albino Boa
0.1 100% het albino
1.1 66% poss het albino boas
06-10-04, 12:32 PM
1.1 Pastel Columbians
1.0 Anery 100% het for snow Columbian
0.1 Double het for snow Columbian
1.1 Green Anacondas
1.2 ETB
4.3 ATB
1.1 dwarfs Bci
06-10-04, 01:04 PM
well my list is changing shortly
but as it is now
1.1 bci
1.0 albino bci
0.1 salmon
0.0.6 bci just born yesterday
1.1 dbl het ghosts ( paid for just waiting to get them still as i cant make up my mind on the rest of what i want lol)
06-11-04, 03:53 PM
Well i dont have many boas but here they are
1.1 Columbians
1.1 Green Anacondas
0.1 Yellow Anaconda
1.1 Candoia Carinata Carinata
06-12-04, 08:26 PM
1.1 het for albino
1.1 dumerils
1.1 columbians
1.0 Anery
0.1 albino
06-14-04, 01:32 PM
1.0 Brazilian Rainbow Boa
0.0.1 White Lined Gecko
0.0.1 Golden Gecko
Hopefully soon to be adding either a kenyan sand boa or a rosy boa.
06-14-04, 03:40 PM
For me, just
1.2 Kenyan Sand Boas
1.0 Guyanan Red Tail Boa (soon)
06-14-04, 03:53 PM
Lol, Erin you still have one more than I do!
1.1 Kenyans
1.0 Colombian BCI
06-14-04, 04:54 PM
1.1 Het for Albino Colombians
06-14-04, 07:06 PM
1.1 ATB's and loving 'em
Optimus Prime
06-16-04, 06:39 PM
Mine is pathetic I only have 0.1 het albino female B.c.i :(
06-16-04, 07:17 PM
No way Optimus! That's the PERFECT way to start. Get that girl up and going and biggie-size, then just quickly pick up a male albino when you need one (they breed much earlier than females) and bammo! you're on your way man! For sure!
Paul McCleary
06-16-04, 11:01 PM
David Kwok
06-17-04, 01:28 PM
Let me see here
1.2 nics
1.3 suriname/guyana - including .2 laddertails
0.1 hogg
0.2 normal bci
0.3 het albino
1.0 albino
0.1 super red striped tail salmon pos het sunglow (not mine, raising for a friend)
thats it for me!
-nice collections everyone!
David Kwok
06-17-04, 01:47 PM
And I forgot:
1.1 97 66% het albino female is out on breeding loan
06-17-04, 01:57 PM
1.0 gorgeous Argentine BC
1.2 BC whose mother was a gorgeous columbian, father of unknown ancestry, might have been a BCC
1.0 kenyan sand boa (a rescue)
Only one Boid there who's not a Boa.
As for me I've got,
3.2 BCI
1.1.5 ATB
1.1.2 KSB
that's it for now but hopefully 1.1 snow boas by mid summer if I can find any.
couple BCCs, a few BCIs and a candoia paulsoni, used to have a couple candoia asper...
As of June 20th, the boas in my collection include...
1.1 Jamaican Boas
1.1 Colombian Bci
1.2 Bcc (Guyanese)
1.1 Mexican Rosy Boas
0.1 Hog Isle Bci
0.1 Whitewater Canyon Rosy Boa
0.1 Amazon Tree Boa
07-10-04, 04:58 PM
Well i dont have much snakes, YET, but i bet i love them more :p !! The first thing i want to do is to get a snake room...
1.0 columbian bcc
unsexed baby ETB
and my 0.1 bp, boid but not boa :p
i've got to tell that i'm jalous of your big collections, guys! I always want more snakes but i still live at my parent's place, hehe, but that doesnt restrict my lust for new snakes... Give me room, i get snakes!
Gary D.
07-13-04, 04:43 PM
2.2 B.c.i.
2.1 B.c.c.
1.1 ATB
1.1 Haitian boas
07-15-04, 08:39 AM
I have 2.2 Dum's, 0.1 Pastel BCI, and 2.1 Norm BCI's.
I hope to add a 1.1 Albino BCI, 1.1 Anery BCI and a 1.1 Hypo BCI.
07-15-04, 09:21 AM
My boa collection as of right now consists of 0.1 Kenyan Sand Boa and 0.1 Brazilian Rainbow Boa...
Hope to pair these up in the near future ;)
Retic chic
07-15-04, 09:29 AM
at the moment we have for boas...
2.2 common boas
1 female het snow boa
1 male salmon boa
1 female surinam boa
1.2 het albino boas
we hope to add more albino and snow to the collection in the future
07-15-04, 11:56 AM
Right now the only boas i have are my 0.1.1 Solomon Island Ground boas.
07-15-04, 12:25 PM
Boas huh... not alot 'cause i just got into them, but...
1.2 Hog Island Boas... and a deposit on 1.1
Then I have a Brazilian rainbow but it's not born yet and if someone (tra la la no one in specific hehe) buys my womas I want to get another BRB and maybe an ETB from Henry.
That's all for now
07-18-04, 08:08 AM
1:2:0 Boa constrictor constrictor - Suriname Red Tail
1:1:0 Acrantophis dumerili - Dumeril's Boa
1:1:0 Boa constrictor ssp - Hog Island
1:2:0 Boa constrictor imperator - Columbian
1:2:0 Boa constrictor imperator - Costa Rican boa
1:1:0 Corallus caninus - Emerald Tree Boa
1:1:0 Corallus enydris enydris - Amazon Tree Boa
07-18-04, 08:15 AM
at the moment i only have a 1.0.0 Brazilian Rainbow Boa, but i should be getting a female for him and a pair or BCI or Hog Islands..wooo! fun!
07-25-04, 02:08 PM
one columbian rainbow
pair calabar boas
also pair corn
cali king
Jordan B
07-25-04, 06:27 PM
Female Bahia De Los Angeles Rosy and Female BRB.
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