View Full Version : Switching from mice to rats..

09-26-02, 06:08 PM
I got this IJCP here, that only feeds on mice..
he could feed on medium-large rats but he doesnt seem to be interested..
any advice to help him turn on to rats would be really appreciated..
Thank you ! :)

09-26-02, 06:13 PM
I am sure u know this trick but u could rub a mice all over the rat .. generally this alwasy work to get them to switch.. If not try all the other methods from brainning .. to diping in in chiken broth ..

Don't give up - you'll get her to switch

09-26-02, 08:18 PM
Wait a while also. The hungrier they are the more they seem to take different foods

09-26-02, 10:16 PM
I never scented the rats at all. are you trying to feed frozen/thawed? try feeding live BABY rats; rat pups. not big rats because you probably know they can hurt your snake. but try a live rat pup because they usually will never refuse a live meal and then they should have a taste for thawed rats after that.

how long ago did you get the IJ? wait a while before trying to feed it. and most important is not to give up. if it refuses a rat, then feed it to one of your other snakes. just dont break down and start feeding it mice.... I let my female JCP go 9 weeks without a feed and she finally took a rat. its not starvation (9 weeks seems long but in reality it's not)

09-26-02, 11:04 PM
I have tried 2 times to feed him... been 2 week I have him and 3 weeks ago he had his last meal (4 adult mice).
I tried thawed and live rats..

Thanks for the answers.. :)
Ill keep on trying.. :)

09-27-02, 01:25 AM
yep. just keep offering. and leave it there overnight, and while you're around keep the glass covered so it sees no movement. my big jcp female wont look at the food if it sees me around. be patient, that's the secret

09-27-02, 08:06 AM
movements are no problems here.. I have a big room only for my snakes... and the door is always closed.. :)

Thanks ! :)

09-27-02, 12:31 PM
We have had some success using a dirty mouse cage to scent the rat before offering it to carpets, but some of them seem very hard to convert. They may take one, but don't seem to fall for the tricks a second time. We may just not hold out long enough to get them really hungry. Have had some luck the first meal after a shed, but then they go back to refusing. We have had more luck with snakes that were given rat pups when they were young than converting older snakes. Some individuals don't seem picky at all. Scenting with chicks can also work - all our carpets are crazy for chicks.

Mary v.