View Full Version : DAMNIT! I Have Mites!

06-06-04, 04:49 PM
Well, I don't. But Majesty does. I was watching her slither through the paper towels when all of a sudden I saw a little black spec crawling around that looks like a small poppy seed. I was like, "What the hell?!"

So I took her out of the tank, thinking a bug just got in and I see another one crawl over her head! I looked at her belly and slightly under her scales, I saw black blotches!

Go figure! Just done her quarantine, which was perfect, she's in my snake room, and I find Mites. Which means I will most likely have to fix up all four snakes. Numair will be the hardest seeing as how he's a Mexican Black.

Ok so a couple of questions.

1. How do I get rid of Mites?
2. Do these little black crawling poppy seeds from hell have an effect on humans or cats in any way?
3. Should I treat all my snakes now?

Thank you in advance...


06-06-04, 04:55 PM
Jenn, go to the pharmacy, buy some Nix head lice shampoo and follow instructions. Better yet, do a search on the BB for Nix, and there is tons of info. I also had mites, and one good treatmant with Nix got rid of them.

..and no, they will not attack you / your Cats :)


06-06-04, 04:56 PM
they are specific to snakes, and must have arrived on your newest acquisition...dont worry about you or other pets.
You need either Nix or provent a mite.
Nix is preferred by many and probably easier for you to get up in the great white north.
It's human head lice treatment... ask for it at drugstores, and when you find it come back for info on dosing.
It needs to be greatly dilluted.

06-06-04, 05:00 PM
So should I worry about my two older snakes? There's a good chance both ATB's have them because they were housed together. But what about my Spotty and King?

And I take it I should do a thorough cleaning of both ATB enclosures and examine Gainiel, the male. Should I switch my two older snakes to paper towel to monitor to be on the safe side?


06-06-04, 05:46 PM
Ok guys, so I just got back from the drug store with NIX. Now what?

06-06-04, 06:00 PM
Never mind, I found my own answers, thanks to a post I found from Invictus on another topic. He had a link to http://www.*************/TARAS/contents/nix.doc

which helped me alot, obviously the **** were replaced with king snake . com

06-06-04, 10:53 PM
I would treat all of them, just to be on the safe side. Those mites are crafty. Make sure you spray around the enclosures too, they like to travel..;)