View Full Version : Help with tortoise identification

Jungle Jen
06-06-04, 03:11 AM
:confused: I have a few ideas what this tortoise *might* be, but I'm not certain. She is approximately 11.5 inches, her plastron scutes are individually concave, and her carpace is a bit higher in the front than the back. (From malnutricion?) If any of you have any ideas as to what she is, your thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance! ~~~> Tortoise Pictures (http://community.webshots.com/album/149858368IuPuAj)

Jungle Jen
06-07-04, 09:01 PM

(I'm thinking its a very large/old Greek)

06-08-04, 03:30 PM

06-08-04, 05:25 PM
Uhh.. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but I can tell you that it is most certainly NOT Geochelone sulcata... Look at this picture:

The scutes are completely wrong for it to be a sulcata. It is also the wrong colour, shape and overall structure to be a sulcata. That tortoise really isn't all that deformed, and if it were a sulcata it would be a lot higher domed. Not trying to argue as it is clearly no a sulcata, but I am just stating why I believe it isn't.

Jungle Jen
06-08-04, 09:01 PM
I am very sure this is not a Sulcata, I have lots of experience with Sulcatas of all ages and she is definately not one. Like Matt AKA TheLionsShare, I was also pretty sure she was a Gopherus, but with more research found out she is not that either. She has been identified as a Testudo graeca, probably in the 20-30 year old range, and some deformaties, but nothing too major. I have dremeled down her beak and she is doing very well. I am a veterinary technician so I have taken in a stool sample to get tested for endoparasites. If any of you find out any other information that may point towards another breed of tortoise, please let me know. Thank you for your input.

JJ and the Zoo

PS - Johnny, thank you for your offer to adopt this sweetheart. I too rescue exotics but have never seen a Greek this big! If you would like to see my website click here ~~> Creature Comforts Pet Rescue (http://www.creaturecomforts.petfinder.com)

red bootz
06-10-04, 11:34 AM
Chaco Tortoise, Geochelone Chilensis. That would be my guess. Looks to be from the Geochelone Group rather than Testudo.

Jungle Jen
06-11-04, 02:43 AM
red bootz

I had thought Chaco (and Gopherus) too, do you know if they have the tubercule spur on the back of the thigh? I haven't found anything saying one way or the other in regards to the Chaco. In the pictures I haven't been able to see any spurs. If you have any info on that I would love to find out.
(Testudo graeca was decided by means of elimination, and even though she is huge she does match all the descriptions of one?)

PS - I LOVE your avatar!!!

JJ and the Zoo

06-11-04, 07:59 AM
What about a greek? Resembles the one ive seen almost exactly...

06-11-04, 09:50 AM
Testudo graeca is a greek...

06-11-04, 09:54 AM
Oh my bad :p I didnt really read responses, i just checked out the pic...

Jungle Jen
06-11-04, 09:03 PM
Well with her having the big tubercule spur on the back of her thighs, it does kinda narrow down which species she could be.

red bootz
06-14-04, 04:47 PM
Check out this


You'll notice that G. chilensis also have small tubercles on their hind legs. Leopard Tortoises also have small spurs, so the tubercle is not relegated to Tetudo graeca and G. sulcata.

Tim and Julie B
06-19-04, 12:12 AM
It is a desert tortoise. Probably collected in the US at one time.

Sorry to take so long to reply Jen. I have been really busy. TB

Oh just to add I am completely jealous and totally want it!
GREEN WITH ENVY-----------> :bounce:

Jungle Jen
06-19-04, 08:30 PM
Hehe, I was wondering what happened to you guys. Are you going to be at the FVHS show July 3/4? I was thinking of bringing her for you guys, and a few other tortoise people to take a peek at. It can be tough to tell from pictures so I thought that might be a plan. Lemme know.

Thanks tons, JJ and the Zoo

Jungle Jen
07-09-04, 03:22 PM
Just a quick update, I brought my girl to the FVHS show (Which was incredible!) and she has been positively identified as a desert tortoise by several tortoise people.

Thanks to everyone who replied.