View Full Version : Questions regarding Identification - please help

06-05-04, 11:44 PM
My snake was given to me by a friend who has her parents. He told me she is a columbian boa. Thats the extent of my knowledge on her. How can you tell if your snake is BCI or BCC? Also, without the obvious redtale (her tale looks kinda red but from pictures here, its not as red as some and I've seen some labled as not being red tales that more red than hers) how can I know whether she is a redtale or not? Also, what are the difference between the two? I understand that I've just asked a ton of questions but any help is appreciated.

*confused new snake owner*http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/5316rio-med.JPG

Here's a pic but its not as clear as I'd like - hope it helps.


06-06-04, 12:17 AM
redtails are smaller and they are more prodominanty red in there tails bci have an orangeish have a look through the galleries and u can start to understand if u post a pic anyone will tell u what it is but sounds of it its a bci

06-06-04, 12:32 AM
Although "true red-tails"(BCC) are supposedly larger snakes this is an inaccurate way of telling. And color can very greatly as well.

Easiest way I know of too tell the difference is saddle counts, 21 or more is a BCI, less then 21 and you’ve got a BCC. Your little boa looks like a BCI too me, and in that picture I count at least 24 saddles so I would say its safe too say you have a BCI.
Hope that helps.


06-06-04, 07:48 AM

06-06-04, 08:59 AM
Thanks everyone :)

06-08-04, 07:16 AM
Pontus: "redtails are smaller"

I love it. Expert opinion here. By the way, did you know that dolphins write poetry?

Misinforrmation fans the flames of hatred. My venomous redtail is very small.