View Full Version : ratsnake home

09-26-02, 10:09 AM
I recently got a Texas Ratsnake, and have been keeping it on newspaper. He seems to like it, although he spends his entire time either under the paper or between sheets, never on top of it, never in the margarine container hide I made for him. Does it really matter where he goes, or is this a sign of something wrong? He's eating fine and just shed last week, so I doubt anyhting is amiss, I just want to make sure.

Scotty Allen
09-26-02, 11:05 AM
Nothing at all wrong with your snake hiding under the papers. I've seen this many times, a lot of snakes seem to feel more secure crammed into a tighter space than a margarine container provides. The fact that he's "eating fine" pretty much sums it up.

09-26-02, 01:25 PM
My corn snake does the same beyowulf. He's always under the paper towels that i keeping it on. In fact i removed the hides as he was not using them at all.

09-26-02, 05:40 PM
Ya, man...my little corn is on paper towel and he/she does that...I wonder why I even bothered to make her little hides *grumble*
I like keeping the bigger snakes on aspen beause I can spot-clean the poo instead of changing the entire cage everytime they go...

10-03-02, 10:14 AM
The newspaper's ok for spot cleaning too, you can just rip off the part of paper that's soiled, or remove that page alltogether. Also, as anyone who'se ever lived in Kingston knows, "Kingston This Week" delivers more free newspaper than I know what to do with, so it's the cheapest substrate going.

10-03-02, 11:09 AM
Heck, even my female patternless leo does the same. She used to use her flower pot hide up until some point when she decided that between the sheets (paper towel) was better. Cute girl nevertheless!


10-03-02, 02:09 PM
LMAO, Jen! I forgot about your infinite supply of "Kingston This Instant"

10-06-02, 08:27 PM
I use aspen for my WC Texas Rat and the only time he's not underneath it is at night when he comes out to look around. Everyhting sounds normal to me.