View Full Version : i got lucky

06-05-04, 01:15 PM
today at the hamburg show as i was leaving my dad told me someone was selling corns for $5. i was like what?! so i went over to her and they were tiny. they were only 5 weeks old, and hadnt eaten yet, thats why they were so cheap. anyway, i picked up a snow and my friend got an amel. i dont know about his, but i jut fed mine the head of a pinky and she ate it. so im really happy. i didnt want her to die. however, she does act weird. sometimes she like, kind of rolls over, and she is very skittish. im hoping that its jut because she is young and just got moved around a lot. also, im hoping that now she has some food in her she will be calmer.

06-05-04, 01:31 PM
What do you mean by rolling over?

06-05-04, 04:21 PM
he isnt like, moving along and then just rolls over. he was trying to get out of the small deli cup that he came in, but he somehow fell backwards and just stopped for like a second or two, and then was fine again. i hope it's not anything serious. if it continues though, or any other strange behavior, im going to talk to this vet in town.

06-05-04, 04:29 PM
It may be caused due too shear weakness, from not eating, but it could very well be something more serious. I would keep it, STRICTLY quarantined. For much longer then usual. I am unsure what inbreeding does in corns, but with it being a snow corn maybe the person you were buying from had inbreed animals?? That’s just a guess, but if you think about for all you know (unless you do know the guy) it could have been a blood line that started with only a het for albino and a het for amel, and a hole lot of inter breeding lol, that’s an extreme case but you get the point. Hopefully it’s nothing.
Good luck.

06-05-04, 09:53 PM
yeah, im hoping its nothing. i think it'll be fine though. i just went downstairs to take a look at it, and it was just moving around fine. but when i approached the tank, it saw me and stopped. i then went and fed my brb and then came back to take another look at it and it was halfway burrowed. so i think its behavior is normal.