View Full Version : Think like a snake

06-04-04, 01:39 AM
While cleaning my snake cages tonight I must have left one open for a few seconds, I don't recall though. Anyways, as I checked each hide for my male BRB I was quite upset that somehow a 5' boa was unaccounted for!

I searched all over without a trace, so I decided that being a 'humid' kinda snake I would set a trap. I put out one of the rubbermaid hides from the cage with sopping wet newspaper to create an overabundance of humidity.

I was not planning on checking it until tomorrow morning, but as I grabbed one of the newspapers to set up a cage I noticed snake poo on it... Hmmm, I set the humid hide RIGHT NEXT to where I store my cage newspapers.

In less than an hour he had already proved his predictability and he's now back under lock and key!

Sorry for the long post but I thought that it was pretty funny, and teaches you to never let one of your snakes outta sight!

06-04-04, 01:46 AM
glade to hear he's back

06-04-04, 07:08 AM
yea, thats really lucky. pretty funny though haha

06-04-04, 07:36 AM
lucky lucky lucky

06-04-04, 10:14 AM
wow, Brent, two escapees

maybe you should change your major from Correctional Facilities Management to Custodial Engineering