View Full Version : My pet peeve on snakess.

06-03-04, 12:32 PM
Have to say I love this site...

But... I have one big petpeeve.. it's regarding classifieds...

I'm sure it came up before but it will make my day easier just letting it out :)

Why do people who post animals for sale don't specify where the are located and why don't they respond when we ask things like:
- how much are you asking for ?
- where are you from ?
- Do you have any pics ?

I'm not exagerating, I don't get replys to more than 50% of the adds that I send PMs to.

ahhhh! I feel better now :)


06-03-04, 01:25 PM
sounds like they don't want to make any sales

06-03-04, 01:26 PM
LOL, i was thinking the same thing the other day.. I sent one person a pm and email regarding some corns he had for sale.. The guy lives like 10 minutes from me and i would have gone to get them the same day.. That was a month ago, i still haven't heard back :D If you want to sell what you've posted, why not reply when people are interested? :D

06-03-04, 01:46 PM
Should be in the rules for the ads that location, pics, and prices must be posted, otherwise they get deleted :)

That would thin out the lazy buggers.

06-03-04, 02:01 PM
i really hate when the seller tells you if you want a pic you need to email them.... i agree with mike, its not that hard to post the location and prices.

06-03-04, 02:27 PM
i think pics shouldn't be mandatory as everyone doesn't have a camera but most people won't buy unless they see a pic so that is a hard one, but i do agree that price and location should be mandatory and if they don't it gets deleted ....


06-03-04, 02:52 PM
The best part is when they cannot even spell the species they are trying to sell, or their ad is composed of several spelling errors. Perfect example: what in the blue hell is a veild camelion? Some sort of weird hybrid between a camel and a lion?

06-03-04, 02:53 PM
Agreed, I don't even condsider an add if they don't include their location. Very irritating.

06-03-04, 03:09 PM
Can't agree with you on the camera thing Nick. Cameras are dirt cheap these days, and if people are going to be selling animals they can make the investment.

Jeff Hathaway
06-03-04, 03:09 PM
I agree, a lack of response is not only annoying, but unprofessional. Location is obviously something to include in an ad, since shipping is so problematic here. Pics aren't easy for everyone to do, and not always necessary. When I post an ad for baby corn snakes, I'm not posting pics of them all. I'm not taking pics and emailing them to people either, unless someone asks really nicely and I'm not that busy at the time. Sure, I intend to sell them, and I will sell them all eventually, but I've got other things to do:-)

What I find annoying is when I say "reply by email" and then people PM me. I hate getting an email that tells me I have a PM, and then I have to go and read that. Just use email!!

Jeff Hathaway

Optimus Prime
06-03-04, 04:23 PM
I noticed the same thing I just ignore adds like those because they obviously don't want me buying thier animals.

06-03-04, 05:35 PM
The lack of location is definetly a peeve, the lack of price is a minor annoyance, though the seller should be expecting some outragiously low prices...

Lack of picture... pics would be nice but not required.

06-04-04, 11:08 PM
Personally I don't give a rat's arse about pics in an ad because, as anyone who has taken pictures of their own animals knows, pictures don't usually give an accurate representation. Either know that you can buy the animal sight unseen or insist on having the animal in your hands to inspect before committing to buying it, pictures aren't going to help anything.

Only an idiot would place an ad without CLEARLY stating their location, province and nearest city, but I think that should go without saying. But hey, maybe they forgot, who knows? Can't make a deal without knowing this kind of information though.

What is way worse in my mind is neglecting to include an asking price. And when the fool instead writes "make an offer" you know he didn't forget, he's just wasting your time. READ THE DAMNED NAME OF THE FORUM! It says "snakes FOR SALE", not "snakes up for bid" or "snakes I might sell but I don't know, I guess it depends on how much money I could get for it, well maybe I'll sell it, email me and see". For sale means you are selling it, not auctioning it off, not tendering friggin bids! If you don't know how much money you want/need/expect for the animal, sit and bloody think about it for a bit THEN come back and place your ad. It's your animal, you ought to know what it's worth.

Delete ads without locations or without prices? Sure why not, but I have another idea, a new section of the classifieds devoted entirely to displaying stupid or "incomplete" ads.

The mods could just shift any of this sort of clutter over to the new forum where, unlike with the real ads, other members would be allowed to respond to them in any way they saw fit. You could try to extract the necessary information if you wanted to or just ridicule the poor fool instead. I think this would not only clean up the classifieds, but it would be fun to finally be able post what we are now only able to shout at our monitors.

06-04-04, 11:38 PM
the best is all those empor scoipains... lmao its even worse on kingsnake. right now there are "Devenomized" rattle snakes and cobras, lol. if you have a problem with peoples posts on a more serious note. dont buy from them. lately i have not been impressed with the animals that i have been getting off the classifieds. the most recent was a 9 foot burm with a resp... if somone sells a sick animal on the site without informing the person, they should be booted off or warned.. no if ands or buts.

06-04-04, 11:50 PM
Ditto what has been said. I think that pics should not be mandatory cause not everyone has $100, right? I have a cam but some people are selling a leo or two worth $50, and if thats all they ever intend to sell, why buy a camera? I think that a price and location should be mandatory and I LOVE MouseKilla's idea!


06-05-04, 12:53 AM
Location and prices should be included. Its annoying when you are interested in something but dont know what the prices or location are.

06-07-04, 01:31 AM
What I hate is all the people trying to get free snakes by saying "I will take in unwanted animals" plz... sure theres some who want to be nice but the majority of these people just want free snakes. I mean sure if somone in my area was getting rid of snake by tossing it into a field I would take it in but come on...

06-07-04, 07:21 AM
I agree with the price and location being mandatory, as I've been very interested in some things, email the person and find out they are in the middle of nowhere, and it's going to cost almost 3X the animals worth in shipping.. thanks for wasting my time, but I'll buy something a little different, from someone in the same province. (in the case of something like a beautiful $75 leo, or corn etc. where shipping would cost almost 2-3x that!

I also think that there should be a classifieds forum "Herps for Auction" as some people will always be wanting to not list a price, to see what they can get for it.

I also thing PMs should be removed from classifieds. If you don't have a real email address, you shouldn't be selling stuff. There are tons of free email address providers out there, use one!

As for the being able to reply to ads, that was done in the beginning and had to be removed due to childish stupidity and personal attacks on the sellers. (I known my username was used to lashed out on a seller a time or two.)

The classifieds have been cleaner and CLASSIFIEDS, not DISCUSSION FORUMS since the removal of replies.

06-07-04, 09:55 AM
I only meant to make replies available in the specially designated "waste of time ads" forum. Responding to these may cause the person who is attempting to sell to correct the problems with their ads. Any abuse they may get in the mean time they likely deserve.

As far as I'm concerned attempts to auction off animals fit into that classification because if you are serious about selling the animal you really should already know what it is worth. FOR SALE Ads should not be a vehicle for testing the waters when it comes to the value of the animals you have, look at what other people are charging if you want to know that.

Once you've figured out what it's worth set your price in the high if you are only willing to part with it for top dollar or set it low if you just want to move it out. It's as simple as that, yet I keep seeing the same animals advertised by the same people who are just "taking offers". These guys need their own little corner to sit in until they figure out this whole commerce thing and some replies to their incomplete sales pitches should force them to either make up their damn minds or slink away in shame, either way the classifieds would actually contain animals for sale instead of half thought out clutter.