View Full Version : Concerned about egg laying.

05-29-04, 05:47 PM
I posted this in the breeding forum but it's pretty slow in there so I decided to post it here aswell.


This year, for the first time, I attempted to breed snakes (african house snakes to be specific). They bred successfully and now, just over two months after copulation my female should be laying eggs. She went through her pre-lay shed about 2 weeks ago and is very big. The information that I have read says that they lay 7-10 days after they shed. I have provided a laying box ( a tupperwear filled with damp vermiculite) and I have been waiting very patiently but she still hasn't layed.

I don't know what to think, maybe I'm just worried cause this is my first time attempting to breed anything.

Am I doing anything wrong?

Could anyone give me some advice?

Sean E.